Kansas State University


IT News

Office 365: OneDrive for sharing and storage

by Information Technology Services


OneDrive is now available campus-wide. With 1TB of file space, OneDrive can be used as a file sharing and storage solution for class assignments, homework, departmental and committee documents, public research data, and other project information. With OneDrive, you can securely share files with specific individuals.

Before choosing to share and store information on OneDrive consider:

  • the sensitivity and confidential nature of the information;
  • applicable policies, laws, regulations or other restrictions (FERPA, HIPAA, etc.);
  • whether any agreements with outside entities restrict your ability to share the information, such as sharing confidential intellectual property;
  • whether other laws or restrictions (e.g., human subjects, confidentiality, granters, export control, etc.) prevent you from sharing information.

Best practices for sharing files:


  • Never store confidential data, including but not limited to Personally Identifiable Information (information about an individual that contains a unique identifier);
  • Do not share with “everyone” or the “public” (Note: Using the “everyone” space in OneDrive would share a document with the entire campus);
  • Do not store non-university files on OneDrive because these could be obtained by others through a subpoena or other legal process.


  • Only share files with specific individuals;
  • Remove individuals’ access when they no longer require access to files or folders;
  • Create a new folder when you need to store groups of files.

Information Technology Services is working on a solution for sharing files for the promotion and tenure process, search committee documents, proprietary manuscripts, etc. A recommendation for these types of files will be available fall 2015. Until that time, faculty and staff can use K-State Online Classic or K-State Online powered by Canvas for these sensitive and confidential documents.

To access OneDrive, click the Office 365 app launcher and then click OneDrive.

OneDrive is also available as a mobile app and allows you to easily sync your documents across all your devices. See the following articles on how to configure the OneDrive app on your mobile devices:

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