Kansas State University


IT News

Archive your K-State Online Classic content

KSOL InfoInstructors, have you archived all your old content from K-State Online Classic?

On Jan. 1, 2017, K-State Online Classic was formerly retired. Instructors no longer have direct access, but can retrieve their old content in Classic by submitting a request form.

Time is running out for you to quickly retrieve your old content. On July 1, 2017, all information residing in K-State Online Classic will be archived and be permanently offline. At that time, if instructors need access to the old data, a request form will need to be submitted and it may take several weeks to retrieve the information.

If you have questions regarding the K-State Online Classic retirement, contact the IT Help Desk, phone 785-532-7722 (toll-free 800-865-6143) or email helpdesk@k-state.edu.

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