Kansas State University


IT News

Reminder: K-State Online Classic and Pro move offline Dec. 15

KSOL InfoTime is running out. K-State Online Classic and K-State Pro will be moved permanently offline Dec. 15.

Instructors, now is the time to archive any Classic or Pro content you want to keep.  Submit a request form if you need to access and archive your old data.

Class rosters and final grades do not need to be archived from Classic because they reside permanently as records in the KSIS student information system.

After Dec. 15, you can still submit a form to retrieve your old data, but instead of a few days, it may take several weeks to retrieve any data.

If you have questions regarding the K-State Online Classic retirement, contact the IT Help Desk, phone 785-532-7722 (toll-free 800-865-6143) or email helpdesk@k-state.edu.

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