Kansas State University


Extension Entomology

Month: April 2020

ID to last week’s bug

–by Frannie Miller


Harlequin Bug – This is an image of a Harlequin Bug. It feeds on cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and kale. They injure the plants by sucking the plant juices causing white stipples on the leaves. In small plantings, one good way to control them may be by hand picking the adults and crushing the egg masses. If you want to find out more information about their life cycle or controls consult the Harlequin Buy publication at: https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3135.pdf

New Extension Publication

–by Dr. Raymond Cloyd

                Insect and Mite Pests of Vegetable Gardens (MF3480 February 2020)


This publication explains how to detect potential problems and how to identify pests in vegetable gardens based on the type of plant damage. A discussion of pest life cycles provides information that can be used to select appropriate plant protection strategies.



Pine Tortoise Scale

–by Dr. Raymond Cloyd

The pine tortoise scale, Toumeyella parvicornis, is a major insect pest of pine trees grown as Christmas trees. Pine tortoise scale feeds on many different types of pines, including Scots, Austrian, and red. Females are 1/6 to 1/4 inches (4.2 to 6.3 mm) in diameter, hemispherical, and red to brown, with dark-brown to black markings (Figure 1).

Fig 1. Pine Tortoise Scale on branch of pine tree (Auth–Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Pine tortoise scales overwinter as fertilized females on branches (Figure 2).

Fig 2. Pine tortoise scale females on the twig of a pine tree (Auth–Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Eggs are laid underneath the body of adult females. Females can produce up to 500 eggs within a generation. Eggs hatch and red nymphs (crawlers) are active from late spring through mid-summer (Figure 3).

Fig 3. Pine tortoise scale crawlers emerging from eggs of females (Auth–Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

After finding suitable locations, nymphs will settle down and start feeding. Nymphs can spread to other pines via wind currents or by attaching to birds. Males, like most scale species, develop into winged individuals that fly and mate with females. Males do not feed and eventually die. There is typically one generation of pine tortoise scale per year in Kansas.

Pine tortoise scale feeding results in yellowing of needles, stunted needle growth, and even death of pines under extensive populations. In general, young pine trees are more susceptible to pine tortoise scale than older (mature) trees. In addition, foliage closer to the ground tends to support higher populations of pine tortoise scale than foliage higher in the tree canopy. Pine tortoise scale produces copious amounts of honeydew, a clear sticky liquid that serves as a growing medium for black sooty mold. Entire pine trees may appear blackened from black sooty mold as a consequence of heavy infestations of pine tortoise scale.

A forceful water spray applied twice per week will quickly dislodge/remove the nymphs and mature females from infested pine trees. Insecticides that can be used to suppress populations of pine tortoise scale nymphs include: acephate (Orthene), acetamiprid (TriStar), bifenthrin (Talstar), cyfluthrin (Tempo), dinotefuran (Safari), imidacloprid (Merit), insecticidal soap (potassium salts of fatty acids), and horticultural oils (petroleum, mineral or neem-based). These insecticides must be applied when nymphs are present to obtain maximum suppression of pine tortoise scale populations and subsequently alleviate future problems.



Nantucket Pine Tip Moth

–by Dr. Raymond Cloyd

The Nantucket pine tip moth, Rhyacionia frustrana, is an insect pest of Austrian and Scots pines in Christmas tree plantations, hedgerows, and landscapes. Nantucket pine tip moth is native to the eastern and southern portions of the USA. Adult moths are 1/4 inches (6.3 mm) long with the head and body covered with gray scales. The forewings are covered with brick-red to copper-colored patches that are separated by irregular bands of gray and white scales (Figure 1).


Fig 1. Nantucket Pine Tip Moth Adult (Author–BugGuide.Net)

Adult moths are active from early evening until dusk and can be found in the canopy of pine trees during the day. Adult females lay white to opaque eggs on shoots, needles, or buds (terminal growth) in spring. Young larvae (caterpillars) that hatch from eggs are 1/16 inches (1.6 mm) long, and cream-colored with a black head. Older or mature larvae are yellow to orange, and 3/8 inches (9.5 mm) in length.

First instar larvae create mines in needles resulting in necrotic spotting. Later, the larvae exit the needles and then tunnel into and feed within the inner tissues of shoots, and buds (Figure 2)

Fig 2. Nantucket Pine Tip Moth Larva (Auth–Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

resulting in branches or shoots turning brown and dying (Figure 3).

Fig 3. Brown Branch Tips and Shoots on Pine Tree (Auth–Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

Damage associated with Nantucket pine tip moth larvae results in deformed growth (stem crooking) (Figure 4)

Fig 4. Deformed Growth or Stem Crooking On Pine Tree (Auth–Raymond Cloyd, KSU)

or a reduction in growth (bushy or stunted growth), which reduces the aesthetic quality and degrades the value of Christmas trees and pine trees in landscapes. Trees can be killed when exposed to repeated Nantucket pine tip moth larval infestations. An indication of a Nantucket pine tip moth infestation is the presence of silken tent-like webbing on shoot tips covered with masses of accumulated plant resin. In addition, fecal deposits may be present in the webbing on the outside of infested shoots. Larvae feed for up to four weeks before pupating. Nantucket pine tip moths overwinter as pupae that are dark-brown and 1/4 to 1/2 inches (6.3 to 12.7 mm) long. The pupae are located in cavities created by larvae within damaged shoots or terminals. Adults emerge (eclose) in about 10 days. There are three generations per year in Kansas.

Management of Nantucket pine tip moth involves implementing proper watering, fertilization, and mulching practices to keep pine trees healthy, which encourages the development of new growth. For minor infestations, you can hand prune infested shoots if branches are reachable. In addition, Christmas trees can be sheared to remove infested shoots.

It is important to monitor adult populations in April using pheromone traps containing a lure that attracts males. Pheromone traps should be placed among susceptible pine trees and inspected weekly. Seven to 10 days after males are captured in the pheromone traps (Figure 5),

Fig 5. Male Nantucket Pine Tip Moth in Pheromone Trap (Auth–Kevin Bauman)

insecticide applications should be initiated. The benefit of monitoring is that it helps time applications of insecticides. Applications of contact pyrethroid-based insecticides (e.g. permethrin or lambda-cyhalothrin) or spinosad must be made weekly for each generation until adult males are not captured in pheromone traps. Insecticide sprays should target young larvae that feed on the outside of shoots. This increases exposure to spray residues before the larvae enter shoots. Consequently, thorough coverage of all plant parts is important to ensure effectiveness of applications. Once larvae are located inside plant tissues, insecticide applications will not be effective because larvae will not be exposed to insecticide residues.



–by Dr. Jeff Whitworth

Well, it is that time of year already–ticks (fig. 4) are out and about searching for a blood meal. So, just be aware and take the appropriate tick avoidance precautions while enjoying the great outdoors. Remember, to remove an attached tick it is recommended to use something like needle nosed tweezers or forceps. Grab the tick by its abdomen and pull with a constant pressure, but not so much that you pull the tick apart, but a gentle constant pressure until it releases its grip. Then put the tick in a small bottle of clear alcohol or freeze, if no rubbing alcohol is available, so you can keep this specimen. Then if you develop flu-like symptoms in the next couple of weeks or the site of the bite becomes red and inflamed you need to take the specimen and visit your health care provider.


–by Dr. Jeff Whitwoth

Every field sampled throughout North Central Kansas last week had pea aphids (fig. 3) and many had scattered infestations of cowpea aphids. Pea aphids are usually considered more of a cool weather insect while cowpea aphids more of a warmer (i.e. later in the season) insect, so that just illustrates the weather roller coaster we have been experiencing this spring. Treatment recommendations for pea aphids will probably work for cowpea aphids and/or mixed populations, which calls for 50+ aphids/stem, to justify an insecticide application.

Alfalfa Weevils

–by Dr. Jeff Whitworth

Alfalfa weevil activity has increased significantly in the last week throughout North Central Kansas. The recent warm weather has really stimulated egg hatch thus there are large numbers of very small 1st instar larvae just starting to feed, plus older, larger larvae (fig. 1) that have been feeding for a week or so. However, some fields have very low infestation levels, while others have already reached the 100% infested level. Recent freezing temperatures appeared to have killed some top growth in some fields, which can be mistaken for insect damage.

Thus, sampling each field is always prudent, but even more so this year. We have gotten many questions recently about the predicted cold weather and its effect on the weevils, but remember, alfalfa weevils are cool weather insects. Temperatures into the mid 20’s for a couple hours may kill small larvae, as we saw in 2018, but probably won’t affect the eggs or adults. Then, anytime the temperatures are over about 45°F, the larvae feed and do so 24/7 as long as temperatures are above 45°F. Many fields were treated this week and probably should be whenever the treatment threshold is reached as the predicted temperatures for the next 10 days looks like it will slow the feeding activity down but probably not be cold enough to kill very many larvae. Have also gotten the question about spraying for army cutworms and that effect on alfalfa weevils. If both occur at threshold or one or the other does and you make an application of an insecticide you should get pretty good control of both. However, remember, cooler weather will slow down the effect of the insecticide.


Also, check this super neat picture of biological control at work (fig. 2). A turkey harvested by a Kansas youth hunter on 6 April had a crop completely filled with large army cutworm larvae.


“Bugs” That Eat Toilet Paper

— by Dr. Raymond Cloyd

For those of you that have been stocking-up on the toilet paper during the COVID-19 crisis I have some bad news…there are insects (“bugs”) that will actually feed on toilet paper. Some insects actually have an affinity for toilet paper that may be related to the “softness,” which makes it easier for the insects to chew on the toilet paper sheets. One of these insects is the silverfish [Order: Zygentoma (Thysanura)], which is grayish-white, segmented, elongated, and approximately 3/4 inches (19 mm) long. Silverfish have two antennae that move back and forth in motion and there are three long tails or bristles protruding from the back of the abdomen. In addition to silverfish, cockroaches, termites, and booklice may occasionally enjoy munching on toilet paper sheets. Silverfish will start feeding on the outer edges of the toilet paper and move inward.

Most people keep their stockpile of toilet paper in the basement. However, this is a prime environment for silverfish development and reproduction since, in general, basements are humid and damp. The higher the humidity, the faster silverfish will develop and reproduce. In general, the life cycle (egg to adult) takes three to four months. Toilet paper that is stacked on shelves next to a wall provides a nice “buffet” for silverfish.

By the way, the guns and ammunition that are stockpiled will not provide any assistance against toilet paper eating “bugs.” However, below are ways to protect your valuable toilet paper from silverfish and other “bugs:”


  1. Keep all toilet paper in the original packaging.
  2. Place toilet paper in PVC tubes similar to the ones used for drainage that will allow you to stack the toilet paper rolls on top of each other. Be sure to seal both ends to exclude silverfish and other “bugs” from getting at the toilet paper.
  3. Place toilet paper in a heavy-duty plastic garbage container with a tight-sealing lid. In addition, you can place mothballs in the bottom of the container to repel any “bugs.”
  4. Place toilet paper in heavy-duty Tupperware containers with tight-sealing lids. Again, placing mothballs inside may help to repel any “bugs” from munching on the rolls of toilet paper.
  5. Place diatomaceous earth (DE) around stacks of toilet paper to create a barrier. However, make sure there are no gaps in the barrier that silverfish or other “bugs” can get through. If a silverfish or even a cockroach tries to cross the DE barrier, their cuticle will be ruptured leading to a loss of water (dehydration)…and they will die!

Well, I hope this article will help everyone to sustain the usefulness of their toilet paper so that when you have to go…you do not find out too late…that a silverfish or other “bug” has enjoyed your toilet paper before you can use it!