Kansas State University


Extension Entomology

Tag: lilac borer

Ash/Lilac Borer Activity

—Dr. Robert Bauernfeind

Not to beat a dead horse given that Dr. Cloyd’s KIN #2 article addressed the facets of ALB development/damage/control, and last week’s update in KIN#3 substantiating the actual initiation of the 2015 flight activity, but I noted that the table was incorrect in the “Date” column. So to correct that, I have entered the proper dates, and also added in this week’s flight numbers. Again, as can be seen, these moths just don’t fly at temperatures below 70. So this week when temperatures were into the 70’s, moths were active. And, no more wrens.

Screen Shot 2015-05-02 at 9.45.33 AM

Ash/Lilac Borers (ALB)

—by Dr. Bob Bauernfeind

In last week’s edition of the Kansas Insect Newsletter, Dr. Cloyd presented information on Ash/Lilac borers including the use of pheromone traps to determine the onset of current-season ALB moth activities. Coincidentally on the date that the newsletter went out (April 16), I recorded first-of-the-year catches (in the Manhattan area). The latest catch was April 21.

ALB traps

It would appear that temperatures regulate moth activities as seen on the following table:

temperature and moth activity

Sad note: Yesterday, April 14, 67 oF —- 0 ALB, 1 house wren

Now is the ideal time to initiate insecticide applications for controlling ash/lilac borer. As suggested by Dr. Cloyd, “Insecticides containing the active ingredients, permethrin or bifenthrin may be applied to the bark at least up to six feet from the base…….”. Also, treat larger limbs within reach.