Kansas State University



Month: July 2015

How to create a Twitter content strategy

An important first step in beginning a new Twitter account is developing a Twitter content strategy.

First ask yourself these questions:Twitter-Users-Have-Questions

  1. Define your goals for using Twitter. Who is your audience? What do you hope to accomplish? How will you track your successes and progress?
  2. Keep in mind that a successful social media account takes time to maintain and requires staff resources to develop engaging content.

Then consider and implement the following:

1. Listen and observe. Take a moment to see what other K-State accounts are doing on Twitter and develop your own content marketing strategy by deciding what you like about others.  See the official listing of university social media accounts.

2. Write Tweets geared towards your goals. For example, consider the #KState2025 goals and themes. Write content highlighting how your college, organization or program is helping the university reach these goals.

Vet Med Example Twitter 2025

3.  Read K-State Today. This will give you ideas of current events and news to tweet about. Sharing is caring! Be sure to share good news from other places on campus.

4. Ask for what you want. Increase your reach by asking for follows, retweets, replies, favorites or mentions. Use these tweets sparingly between informative, useful and entertaining tweets.

ALumni RT

 5.Seize the moment. Tap into popular conversations around seasonal, cultural and industry-based events. Take a look at these National Days of the year.

National Days of the Year Example

6. When promoting an article or blog post, ask a question or explain what’s coming next, instead of just posting a link.

KState Global Tweet Link

7.Share the human side of your department/college/program/unit.

8. Ask questions and answer questionsadmissions-tweet-ask.
ITS question example

9.Get visual and creative. Use branded images, infographics, animations and short videos to accompany a tweet.

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10. Use the 80/20 Rule. Aim to have 20 percent of your content be original with the other 80 percent coming from other sources through retweets and other sharing methods. 80 percent of your Tweets should focus on driving interactions with your followers, such as retweets, replies, and favorites. Once you’ve built some rapport, you can mix in promotions that get followers to take actions, such as clicking on a link or signing up for a program or event on your website.

11. Track and gauge your performance using Twitter analytics.

12. Know when to tweet:

– Early morning: 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.
– Lunch hour: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
– Evening: 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
– Worst time to post – 8 p.m. – 6 a.m.
– Tweets generally have a feed life of 1-2 hours.

Popular days – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday

13. Create a weekly Twitter calendar. Here’s an example:

Monday- Share an upcoming event, new program or related department news or an inspirational quote. Here’s an example of of a K-State Sports #MotivationMonday tweet.


Tuesday – Share helpful tips with #TipTuesday. Create a regular series of tweets that are informative or surprising. For example, @KStateJobs’ #TalentTuesday, giving a job search tip once a week.

Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 9.50.19 AM
Wednesday– Behind the scenes. Showcase a professor teaching in the classroom, dean visiting with alumni or students studying, etc.

Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 9.51.02 AM

Thursday – For #ThrowbackThursday, share an old photo showcasing a K-State tradition, building, students, etc. Check out the digitized Royal Purple yearbook for ideas.

Friday – Callout university events to promote or university accounts to follow. A popular promotion on Twitter is #FollowFriday or #FF. If you choose to participate, instead of tweeting a long list of twitter handles and the hashtag: #FF. Instead offer value, by highlighting one or two accounts per tweet with an explanation of why people should follow the account.


K-State Twitter Basics

The university’s overall Twitter strategy gives followers a view of what’s going on at K-State right now. The @KState twitter account shares campus events, news, achievements, awards, reminders, campus safety and research. We curate the #KState conversation with shared content (retweets) from campus accounts. We heavily use hashtags to group conversations around the same topic. See hashtag best practices.

Twitter is fast paced and tweets quickly get pushed lower in crowded news feeds. So be sure to post on a regular basis. Overall, successful university accounts tweet 5-10 times a day with a mix of content ranging from educational to entertaining.

Here are some tips to get started on your Twitter journey!

1. We are family! Make sure your Twitter icon is consistent with our university style. Once your icon is created by it really shouldn’t change unless your department, college or program goes through a rebranding. For graphic design assistance, contact us at social media@k-state.edu.

Twitter example2. Choose a visually appealing Twitter header. Your header is the background image that sits behind your profile photo. This is an opportunity to be creative and share an image that expresses your college/department/program/unit. Images should be re-sized to fit the dimensions (1500px by 500px). Canva, is a great resource to create your own Twitter header.

3. Choose a Twitter name and handle. Be sure to use “K-State” instead of “KSU.” Example: @KStateJobs not @KSUJobs.

4. Write an interesting and informative Twitter bio and include a link to your main webpage.

5. Join the #KState Twitter community. Follow and interact with various university official Twitter accounts. See our social media directory. Collaboration is key to a successful university twitter community. As an official university account be cautious of the accounts you follow. Following and or interacting with a local business or political Twitter account could potentially imply an endorsement.

6. Be sure to attend monthly Social Media Roundtable group meetings. These meetings are open to all social media administrators on campus to collaborate and learn about new social media trends.

See Twitter terms to know glossary.

Twitter Faux Pas
1. Too many #hashtags: Three or less is ideal. Read here for information on hashtag best practices.
2. Long links: Use Bitly to shorten links. An advantage to using Bitly is advanced tracking analytics options.
3. Sharing content directly from Instagram or Facebook. If you must share the same content from another social media channel, take a minute to post it directly to Twitter instead of sending people away from Twitter to see the original post.
3. Text speak: Avoid abbreviations and use full words.
4. Starting a tweet with a mention. Here’s why
5. Not responding to replies or messages. Be active with your audience. Exception, it is ok to ignore “trolls”. A troll is a person on the internet that loves starting arguments or upsetting people. The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer.

Pinning a tweet to your profile

You can pin a tweet to your profile so that when others visit your profile page, it is the first Tweet they will see. You can change these out every week or so.

Twitter Pinned Tweet

To pin a tweet:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Find the Tweet you’d like to pin and click the ellipsis icon (•••).
  3. Select Pin to your profile page.
  4. Click Pin.

To unpin a tweet:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. On the Tweet that you have pinned, click the ellipsis icon (•••).
  3. Click Unpin from profile page.
  4. Click Unpin.