Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Tag: tree planting

Drum roll please …. “Top Ten Tree Planting Mistakes”

(Megan Kennelly, KSU Plant Pathology)

Boy oh boy, have I seen a lot of tree problems that originated with improper planting. My colleagues Tim McDonnell and Eric Berg from the Kansas Forest Service have just put together a handy new 2-page guide about the Top Ten Tree Planting Mistakes. Below is the summary – You can read the details by clicking HERE.

  1. Poor tree selection
  2. Inadequate root system
  3. Poor planting site
  4. Pot bound or girdling root
  5. Planting hole is too small
  6. Planted too deep
  7. The tree is improperly mulched or not mulched at all
  8. Tree is not staked
  9. Improper watering
  10. Failure to monitor