Kansas State University


K-State Turf and Landscape Blog

Tag: zoysia

Two-Minute Turf Extension Video: Aerification Impacts

Dani McFadden, Ph.D. student in Horticulture and Natural Resources, is conducting research on the impact aerification on zoysia thatch reduction and root development. This research is presented in greater detail in the

K-State 2022 Turfgrass Research Report:  CLICK HERE TO READ

Dani summarizes results of the research in this two-minute extension video:


Research in progress: zoysia seedhead suppression

(Megan Kennelly, KSU Plant Pathology)

I was out looking at our zoysiagrass breeding plots the other day and in a couple of plots I saw some seedhead development:


This was unusual, as we typically see this in spring, and it’s probably just a unique physiology of these couple of breeding lines. Anyway, this observation prompted me to mention that we are continuing KSU’s work on zoysiagrass seedhead suppression. You may have seen the articles about the prior excellent work by Dr. Hoyle and colleagues which you can view here:

Suppressing Meyer zoysiagrass seedheads

and here (academic peer-reviewed version)


We are following up on this work with additional trials to hone in on the biology and management of seedheads, fine-tuning application timings of ethephon. Stay tuned for results in the coming 1-2 years as we collect data. The project team members are PhD student Manoj Chhetri, Jack Fry, Jared Hoyle, me, and Aaron Patton (Purdue). The project is funded by the GCSAA, Heart of America Golf Course Superintendents Association, and Kansas Turfgrass Foundation.