Kansas State University


Agricultural Communication & Journalism Internships

Department of Entomology at K-State – Kelsie Beaudoin 


Last spring I interned with the department of Entomology at K-State. While I was there it was my job to bring more attention to the program. I helped with the communications side of the department, as well as any office tasks that needed done. A few of my primary responsibilities were writing & editing weekly spotlight articles, and updating the departments social media accounts. I also had the opportunity to help with the K-State Extension Newsletter, and working on different designs for the departments yearly newsletter.

My favorite part about my internship was writing the spotlight articles. I thought they were very fun. This allowed me to meet new people and bring the students and staff together. It was a great way for everyone to get to know each other outside of school. I also enjoyed updating the social media accounts. I posted weekly jokes to gain more followers for the department. I enjoyed my internship, however I wish it went more in depth with different aspects of communications, such as more writing and design projects.

During my internship I learned that doing things out of your comfort zone is very rewarding. I never expected that something so different from my major could open as many doors as it has. I learned that writing articles and interviewing people is a great way to get to know them. One big thing I learned was that helping others is rewarding no matter the task.

This internship was a good way to touch all of the bases in the communications field. I would recommend it to anyone passionate about communications, but are looking for something out of their comfort zone. The location was wonderful and it was very flexible with my schedule. I not only gained knowledge that will help me with my career path, but even more so about entomology and how important it is to be knowledgeable in as many subjects as possible.

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