Dr. Behrooz Mirafzal and Dr. Anil Pahwa received a 12-month grant starting January 1st, 2017 from Black & Veatch World Head Quarters for $83,006.00.
The department has a long history of collaborating with Black & Veatch and looks forward to continuing this partnership with this research. Black & Veatch World Head Quarters (B&V WHQ) has a microgrid with 50 kW solar PV, two 65 kW microturbines, and 100 kW of battery storage. The B&V microgrid peak load is typically 300 kW in summer, but it is much lower in fall and spring. The goal of this project is to perform dynamic analysis of the B&V microgrid under different operating scen
arios to examine its capabilities and limitations to respond to utility grid outages. PSCAD circuit simulator will be used for the proposed analysis and the results will be verified with other simulation platforms and measured data.