Kansas State University


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Kim Fowler Gives Instrumentation Tutorial in Malaysia

Kim Fowler spoke to a group of 16 colleaKim talking in Malaysiagues and graduate students in Malaysia on Saturday, August 8th. He talked for two and a half hours on the basic principles of measurement and instrumentation and some practical applications for developing instruments. The venue was the University of Technology Malaysia or UTM. His host was Professor Sheroz Khan from the International Islamic University Malaysia. The audience comprised members of Professor Khan’s research group and of the local IEEE chapter. Together they provided an excellent venue with lovely food for a break and lunch.

 Kim with audience

Here is what Professor Khan wrote on his Facebook page concerning the event.

“The tutorial Principle[s] of Instrumentation and Measurement [was] attended by 16 participants, mostly post-graduate students from KL-based institutions. Kim’s eye contact, and accessing every corner and member of the audience, showed him to be one of the best presenters and speakers we have had so far for our audience.”

“Basically [he presented] concepts on instruments and instrumentation for making measurement[s] – that is, to sense, detect, quantify, to reference, and calibrate. He touched on centralized (house hold [appliances], office [equipment], cars, and buses) and distributed instrumentation used for application[s] in buses, aircrafts, and ships. Both configurations consist of conversion, conditioning, processing and output for performing intended functions. The concepts of span, resolution, accuracy, precision, linearity and threshold were [made] clearer, drawing questions from audience. It has definitely proved to be of everyone’s interest including graduate student from mechatronics, manufacturing and mechanical, and electrical and computer engineering.”

“Thank you to UTMKL Razak School for providing venue and facilities–tutorial venue, who offers wide ranges of professional programs in science, engineering, management, business, policy and architecture. These programs are managed by five major Schools, namely: UTM Razak School, UTM Perdana School, UTM Advanced Informatics School, UTM International Business School, and Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT).”