On September 25th Electrical and Computer Engineering celebrated our third annual awards banquet, at the K-State Alumni Center Ballroom. The awards and winners are below:
Outstanding Freshmen ($100 each)
CpE: Mark Spicer
EE: : Joseph McConnell (Fuertes)
Outstanding Sophomores ($200 each)
CpE: Andrew McKittrick
EE: Lawryn Edmonds
Outstanding Juniors ($300 each)
CpE: Dustin Chew
EE: Jacob Sobering
Outstanding Seniors ($400 each)
Outstanding Academic Achievement:
Neelou Hadavandifard (F’14), Evan Bennett (S’15), William Duren (S’15), Joshua Loyd (S’15)
Outstanding Leadership: Tanzila Ahmed
Outstanding Service: Sean Meier
Outstanding Research: Garrett Peterson