Welcome back to Find Your Fit! This is the first interview in a blog series to feature the personal trainers who work at the rec. I had an interview with GT, and we talked about his background, what led him to become a personal trainer, and his unique way of motivating clients through humor. Keep reading to learn more about GT.
SN: “Why do you tell jokes to your clients? What made you decide to start?”
GT: “Because there’s physical health, and then there’s emotional health. Why focus on one, when you can touch both with a minute-long joke? The jokes Started because of Dr. Pettay. I liked the way he started class with jokes, even if they were corny.”
SN: “Have you told jokes ever since you started training clients?”
GT: “I’ve started since I took Pettay’s class. Ever since that class (kin 310) I’ve done it ever since.”
SN: “Did you think Pettay’s jokes were funny?”
GT: “I thought most of his jokes were funny.”
SN: “Do you have different types of jokes for different clients?”
GT: “They’re a little specified. I have one client from Argentina, so I try to pick jokes that fit the culture. For example, I tell country jokes for one of my clients who is a country girl.”
SN: “How many clients are you currently training?”
GT: “I have four right now.”
SN: “What is your major?”
GT: “Kinesiology.”
SN: “How long have you worked at the rec?”
GT: “A year now.”
SN: “What are your plans post-college?”
GT: “I want to get into exercise physiology. I’m Teasing the idea of doing a master’s degree.”
SN: “What other methods besides jokes do you use to build client-adherence?”
GT: “I tailor the program to something that’s a happy medium between meeting the client’s goals and keeping it fun.”
SN: “Have any of your jokes gone wrong? Were any not received well?”
GT: “I have never had anyone get offended, but have had a few swings and misses. Sometimes they didn’t understand the joke.”
SN: “What made you want to get into personal training?”
GT: “When I took a weights class in high school. I really enjoyed learning how to properly lift weights, and I always had some interest in health and fitness. It made me want to pursue a career in health and fitness.”
SN: “Has your job as a personal trainer influenced personal relationships?”
GT: “Friends and family are more encouraged to keep up with some health and fitness, and if they have questions they have someone to ask.”
SN: “When did you get certified?”
GT: “I got certified while I was in the army. I needed a job once I got out. I got the ISSA certification.”