Myth # 1: Cardio prevents muscle gain – don’t do it!
This claim is FALSE!
Well…mostly, a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning by Wilson et al. titled Concurrent training: a meta-analysis examining interference of aerobic and resistance exercises determined that strength and muscle gain interference from endurance training is depends on the frequency, duration, and kind of training being done. This study determined that concurrent strength and running training reduced strength and size gains moderately, but that bodyfat % reductions we’re greatest in individuals who did both endurance and strength training in the same program.
Myth # 2: Lifting weights will make women big and bulky.
Lifting weights will not cause your quads to hulk style shred those super cute fabletics tights you just ordered, in fact the “toning up” that most gals are after will happen faster and more efficiently with diligent weightlifting pursuits than it will from spending hours on a treadmill. Women’s muscle is just as powerful as men’s unit for unit, but because of lower testosterone levels women do not pack on lean mass at the same rate as men which means that, unless you’re looking to become a pro-bodybuilder or a professional strongwoman, you’re not going to put on significant size (Faigenbaum, 2008)
Unfortunately, many women aren’t introduced to lifting through sport during high-school the way many men are, lack of experience and education early on can make the weight room intimidating; If you’re curious to learn how to lift – visit our personal training page or swing by the office to apply for a trainer to get you comfortable in the weight room!
Myth # 3: “I’m too old to start exercising”
Exercise benefits EVERYONE in fact, a new study from Penn State University found that older adults who participated in strength training 2x a week significantly reduced their all cause mortality by 46%, cardiac death risk by 41%, and cancer death risk by 19%.
The Department of Health and Human Services recommends older adults (65 and up) accumulate 150 to 300 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity a week and strength 2 or more times per week. You can visit here to learn more.
Myth # 4: Strength training is dangerous!
Strength training is very safe, in fact resistance training improves muscle and tendon strength and size as well as bone density. Training unilaterally (one sided movements, lunges, single arm presses, rows) to correct imbalances can reduce injury risk even further (Faibenbaum 2009).