Kansas State University


Find Your Fit

Quarantine Training Day 2!




Welcome back to Quarantine Boot Camp! If you’re like me, you’ve probably been at home binge watching Tiger King and getting your steps in between the couch and the fridge. If you’re going stir crazy and needing to move, try the workout below!


Series A) Complete 1 to 5 rounds depending on your fitness level

Exercise 1 – Broom Stick Pull Up x 12 reps

Taking an overhand grip slightly wider than your shoulders, squeeze your lats and upper back while pulling your chest up towards the bar, slowly lower down.


Exercise 2 – Slider Lunge x 12 reps / leg

Standing with one foot on a towel, and the other firmly planted on the floor, drive back through your foot on the towel to slide into a lunge position, drive back upĀ  with your foremost leg. Repeat for reps, then switch sides.

Exercise 3 – Shoulder Touch x 12 touches / arm

With arms extended and hands firmly planted on the ground, assume a pushup position with hips slightly tucked and abs tight. Keeping the crease of your elbow facing towards the top of your head, touch your opposite shoulder with your hands, alternate for desired reps.



Series B) – Complete 1 to 5 rounds depending on your fitness level

Exercise 1 – Copenhagen Adductor Drill x 3 “reps” of 0:10 second holds each side

This is a pretty spicy version of the Side Plank that also emphasizes in inner thigh of the top leg. If this drill is too difficult you can either, move the bench or chair higher up on your leg, leave the bottom leg on the ground rather than picking it up, or simply perform a side plank from your feet or knees for time instead.

Exercise 2 – Broom Stick Row x 12 reps

Taking and overhand grip, squeeze your hips up into a glute bridge. Squeeze your upper back and row the bar to mid chest.

Exercise 3 – Towel Hamstring Curl x 12 to 15 reps / leg


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