Kansas State University


Health Means

Health means….

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In 2014, K-State Research and Extension celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Smith-Lever Act, which established the Cooperative Extension Service, a state-by-state national network of educators who extend university-based research and knowledge to the people. We believe our network can do for the nation’s health in our second century what it did for American agriculture in its first century.

Health can mean different things to each of us. For that reason, as we embark on this work, we are asking Kansans and others what #healthmeans to them. We want to hear from YOU – tell us #healthmeans to you. Simply post, share, or tweet using the #healthmeans hashtag.

We’ll be regularly blogging here so please visit often and connect with us through the comments.

You can also connect with us on:

  • Facebook at
    • facebook.com/aginginkansas
  • Twitter at
    • @BwilesKSRE
    • @KSREaging
    • @dottiedurband
  • Instragram at
    • ksrefamilyfinances

Cheers to the start of many rich conversations about health and well-being!

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