Kansas State University


Health Means

The Power of Attitude

Erin Yelland, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, shares a personal reflection on what health means to her.

erin yelland

I’ve spent a bit of time in recent weeks asking folks, “What does the word ‘health’ mean to you?” Most of the time, people sit and ponder for a few moments. So, sit and ponder for a minute. Health…what does it mean to you?

Maybe health is feeling good, feeling able, or living without physical struggles. But, as I sit here and ponder, my mind immediately goes towards that latter end of the lifespan – after all, I am the adult development and aging specialist for K-State Research and Extension! Specifically, what will it take for me to make it to a happy, healthy 100 years old (because I AM going to make it a happy, healthy 100…right?)? Of course it will require healthy eating and adequate physical activity – the “typical” things we think of. But what will push you to achieve all of those wonderful things? In my mind, it’s your attitude! If you don’t have a positive outlook on life, what will motivate you to eat healthfully? What will motivate you to get off the couch and exercise? What will motivate you to whip and nae nae? A positive attitude is so powerful and affects your overall happiness, health, and well-being. How does positive attitude fit into your definition of health?

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