Kansas State University


Health Means

Strengths of Healthy Families

Charlotte Shoup Olsen, Professor and Extension Specialist, shares a personal reflection on what health means to her.

colsenIt is no secret that children and adults with stable and satisfying family relationships experience greater emotional stability and health than do individuals who live with constant family tension and negative interactions. Continual and elevated stress levels are known to cause depression, hypertension, and heart disease, and can lead to sleep issues.  It has also been documented in the research that feelings of resentment and anger may cause a decrease in the functioning of the immune system over time. Thus, family relationships and how family members communicate with each other has to be recognized as an important component of health. A research-based family strengths model that has been tested worldwide helps us understand qualities of successful and healthy family functioning.

The strengths are:

  • showing appreciation and affection for each other,
  • commitment,
  • positive communication,
  • enjoyment in being together,
  • spiritual well-being, and
  • the ability to cope with stress and crises.

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