Kansas State University


Health Means

Category: Health Insurance

Health Means Access to Affordable Health Care

Health means…access to affordable health care! Just as I was thinking about my initial foray into health-related blogging, it was announced that the new administration is reopening enrollment on the federal Affordable Care Act exchanges as part of their initial efforts to bolster public access to affordable health care.

The key to reopening enrollment is publicizing the opportunity and providing help for people to sign up, according to a recent Kaiser Family Foundation discussion with navigators who assist those looking for coverage on the exchanges. They also say the period should last more than six weeks. The new 12-week opportunity does just that!

President Biden signed an executive order last month creating an extra, three-month enrollment period starting Feb. 15. Consumers can again shop for coverage on HealthCare.gov, the federal insurance marketplace, which serves three dozen states, including Kansas.

Typically, people may sign up for coverage outside open enrollment only if they can document “special” circumstances, like the birth of a child, a marriage or divorce, or the loss of health insurance. Consumers can generally enroll in ACA plans within 60 days of losing health coverage. Under this executive order, if they’ve lost their job recently, they can apply for coverage now, without the 60-day stipulation.

Although “traditional” open enrollment on HealthCare.gov ended on December 15, this extra sign-up window is expected to mimic open enrollment. It is intended to provide more time for consumers to decide next steps if they’ve had a change in circumstances. If you are in the market for coverage, or you know someone who needs health insurance, check out HealthCare.gov soon.

Without health insurance, people are less likely to have a regular health care provider and more likely to skip routine health care. Health means…increasing the proportion of persons with medical insurance.

Contributor: Sandy Procter