Kansas State University


Issues in Health Reform

Month: September 2013

Polls showing continued confusion for Americans about the Affordable Care Act

As the start date for open enrollment in the Marketplaces nears, polls find more and more confusion about what the health care law means for consumers.  It is important to remember that this initial enrollment period will be 6 months long, plenty of time for people to enroll and begin to get comfortable and informed about what the law may really mean for them.  Of interest in the polls, young adults seem more favorable to it than do older adults.  Given that Medicare beneficiaries are the least impacted population…that is, they do not need to make new decisions about their health insurance, Medicare remains…this is curious. One does wonder whether if the Medicare population could think about this as grandparents of young adults, if they would see additional benefits for those grandchildren, and peace of mind for themselves, for those youths being insured.   http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/09/16/two-new-polls-tell-us-americans-are-very-very-confused-about-obamacare/?wprss=rss_economy&tid=pp_widget


High risk groups need to learn about Marketplaces

Not surprisingly, one of the highest risk groups that should make it into the marketplaces are those already in state and federal high risk pools…those who were previously uninsurable anywhere else.  Believe it or not, those high risk folks too are to be added, just like everyone else, to the Marketplace with no differential rates for their pre-existing conditions.  They will get much more affordable policies in the Marketplaces…but yes, are the reason why we need so many healthy young adults in the pools as well.  Here is a study outlining the needs     report