A report issued by the Department of Health and Human Services details how the people of Kansas are faring after the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA/Obamacare). The full report can be found here: http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/bystate/ks.html
It is written by the administration so the tone is favorable. The report has a section that details who is now insured through the Kansas Health Insurance Marketplace (the Kansas Exchange). Over 57,000 selected plans in that marketplace. And, as for the national average, almost 80% of 57,000 are receiving financial assistance paying for the premiums.
States have a choice as to whether or not to expand their Medicaid programs. Kansas is one of 24 states that have chosen not to expand at this time. Still, because of heightened interest in health insurance, over 28,000 Kansans have been newly enrolled in the Kansas Medicaid program, KanCare. If Kansas had expanded there would be another 100,000 eligible.
The report goes on to give additional detail about new coverage benefits and how many Kansans are affected. It also acknowledges that in Kansas, Medicare beneficiaries have save over $100 million on prescription drugs because of new cost sharing in that program.