This issue brief from the SHADAC (State Health Access Data Assistance Center) of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation details with maps and tables which states are most likely to have low income uninsured adults who even with ACA’s Medicaid expansion would remain uninsured. Kansas is in the top tier with over 10.1%. It is estimated that 4% of Kansas’ ~1.7 million nonelderly (less than 65) adults are either undocumented or recent legal immigrants. Eight percent of its 391,000 low income, less than 138% of the federal poverty level ($15,856 for a single person), nonelderly adults are either undocumented or recent legal immigrants. And about 13% of its low income uninsured nonelderly adults are either undocumented or recent legal immigrants. The average for the US is higher at 17% because of states like California, Texas, and even some northeast states like Massachusetts and New Jersey which have higher percentages and larger populations pulling the mean upward.
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