Kansas State University


Issues in Health Reform

Why Obamacare is good for young adults

While we might disagree on whether or not The Affordable Care Act is the right way of making sure that more people are insured, most all agree that moving America toward full insurance of all of her residents is a laudable goal.  Making sure that young adults “play in the game” is therefore an important piece of making this happen. (Note: ACA is only for LEGAL residents.  Covering non-legals is not part of the plan.)

A thorough reflection on this issue is in this well written blog from the Wonk page on why young adults need to be insured:

“They will not be young and healthy — or even necessarily rich — forever. Young people grow old. Healthy people get sick. Rich people become poor. The people overpaying to keep costs low today are the people underpaying 10 or 20 years from now. It’s a terrible mistake to think of yourself as having a fixed relationship to the health-care system. Health needs, income, and demographic profile all change over time — and they can change unexpectedly.

Those young, healthy rich people will need a functional system in the future when they become older, sicker or poorer. So even for those least in need, health-insurance premiums are an investment — not in someone else’s future, but in their own. Only a cramped and narrow view of self-interest assumes that the status quo lasts forever. When it comes to health, change is inevitable. The only question is whether you’ll have insurance when it comes.”

To this I’d add at least one point…young adults are part of families….this impacts them both as family members themselves assuming that others are concerned for their welfare, as well as as individuals who care about a larger network of family members.  By their being “in the game” not only do they benefit now and in the future, but their loved ones do as well.  It has been expedient to believe that individuals exist apart from families but it does not serve our families nor our communities well.  For a good look at how thinking about families when we make policies consider our Wisconsin Extension colleague Karen Bogenschneider’s book, (2006). Family policy matters: How policymaking affects families and what professionals can do (2nd ed.). Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum.


Even without expansion Medicaid enrollment changes coming to Kansas

Kansas is one of 7 states that has not yet made a formal decision about participation in ACA’s allowed expansion of the Medicaid program. (This is a good site for seeing the status of Kansas and other states re expansion.)  Regardless of whether or not Kansas expands Medicaid coverage, there are still changes that need to happen to make the process of applying comply with ACA, including new types of enrollment processes, basically linking Medicaid application with the Marketplace ones.

A recent and worthwhile publication out of the Kansas Health Institute details those changes.  As noted in the publications’ key points:

“1.  ACA adjusts how the state will enroll people in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and adds requirements for coordination with the newly created health insurance exchange.
2.  Kansas will shift to a single streamlined application for individuals to access Medicaid, CHIP and federal tax credits through the exchange.
3.  Kansas must provide a “no wrong door” application and enrollment process for Medicaid, CHIP and federal tax credits through the exchange so that individuals can apply online, by phone, by mail or in person and be referred automatically to the correct program.
4.  The ACA also requires the state to convert income-counting rules for Medicaid and CHIP applicants to a new federal standard that aligns closely with the rules used for federal tax credits through the exchange.”

New report finds competition lowers premiums by nearly 20 percent in the Health Insurance Marketplace

An important new press release from the Department of Health and Human Services reports that health insurance premiums are much less than had even been anticipated given changes to hold down those costs by ACA.  The report is available at: http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/2013/MarketCompetitionPremiums/rb_premiums.pdf

“Today’s report shows that the Affordable Care Act is working to increase transparency and competition among health insurance plans and drive premiums down,” said Secretary Sebelius.  “The reforms in the health care law ensure consumers will have access to better coverage at a lower cost in 2014.”

Is it legal for the Obama administration to change the date of implementation of the employer mandate?

This editorial by a lawyer in The Washington Post suggests that the administration does not have the authority to say that the date for the employer mandate be delayed.  It will be interesting to watch this particular part of the debate play out.  These has been lots of support from businesses for this delay, perhaps enough that this kind of tweaking of this massive law could make it through Congress to the President’s desk for his signature.  It appears that that might be legally necessary.

Curious that there has not been such concern over the CLASS Act, Title VIII of the Act, “Community Living Assistance Services and Support.” This is basically a bill that instituted a federally run long term care insurance program with no federal dollars. It was put on the back burner because a Department of Health and Human Services analysis revealed there would be many problems with implementation.  Most likely, it will never be implemented. I’m not sure why it was allowed to be mothballed if the administration doesn’t have authority.  The nuances here are clearly beyond my expertise.

How states considered the economic and fiscal trade offs when deciding to expand, or not, their Medicaid programs.

This report from the Urban Institute is a look at how 10 states considered the economic and fiscal trade offs if they were to expand their Medicaid programs.  The report found that in each state where relatively comprehensive analyses of costs and fiscal gains were conducted, the net result showed that, on balance, Medicaid expansion would yield state fiscal advantages.

How the Marketplace works even in spite of delayed employer mandate

Much has been made about the Obama administration’s recent decision to delay till Jan 1, 2015 the implementation of the employer mandate (requirement that all businesses over 50 full time employees provide adequate and affordable health insurance to their workforce).  This thoughtful piece from Wendell Potter (former insurance company CEO) of the Center for Public Integrity states well how this issue is being overblown from the perspective of having insurance available for citizens.  Many believe that the Marketplace will be ready to open in October for plans to begin January 1 and it is that marketplace that offers new potentials for consumers:  anyone can purchase insurance regardless of a pre-existing condition and workers will no longer be job locked because of health insurance benefits leading to the potential for more small business start ups (covered in an earlier blog).

Wendell does not deal with the individual mandate and how that will “encourage” the purchase of insurance (weak disincentive in the form of relatively minimal fines if one does not participate).  Not surprisingly, we are now seeing calls to delay the individual mandate timing to balance the delay in the employer mandate.  The NY Times had this to say about those Republican efforts.

I agree with Wendall that many of the few who work for large firms that will take advantage of this delay will welcome having an alternative Marketplace where they can go to purchase insurance and, depending on income, receive tax credits (basically have Uncle Sam share the premium bill with them).

One issue that I’ve not yet seen discussed has to do with how this is likely to increase the costs borne by the federal budget.  All along ACA has been predicated on the success of three different legs of the stool that make up how Americans are to be insured: employer-based insurance, public insurance, and now the Marketplace.

Employer-based insurance is a major leg of that stool.  Part of ACA’s success in reining in costs was the expectation that larger employers would help foot the bill by offering insurance as a work benefit.  Prices of products and services those businesses sell have always been impacted by how much their insurance costs are.  That will continue, unless and until health care prices are better controlled.

However, if some of this leg is less strong because some of the businesses over 50 don’t have to participate for another year, that means that workers may be looking to another leg of the stool, the Marketplace.  How much that Marketplace may cost the federal government may now be a heightened concern.

The initial ACA cost estimates for the federal portion of Marketplace costs were based on a certain number of individuals using the Marketplace and being eligible for tax credits.   The delay in the employee mandate is likely to increase the numbers looking to the Marketplace (after all, most Americans would have been buying insurance if it had been affordable and they had not been denied coverage).  And many of those new ones in the Marketplace will be eligible for tax credits where they would not have been had they be in employer sponsored plans.  So the costs of the delay of implementation of the employer mandate may result in a larger burden for cost sharing on the part of the federal government.

An interesting benefit of all of this is that we will be able to see more clearly just how much is really being spent on health care, at least as much as we translate the cost of premiums to be a reflection of the cost of care.  Right now many of the costs for the uninsured, the uncompensated care, get built into the cost of premiums for those of us who do purchase insurance.  And the costs borne by businesses are buried in the costs they charge for their products and services.  Perhaps more transparency of what it really is costing us for health care, and what we are really getting for those dollars (not very good population health outcomes) will help us ask the more difficult questions about the quality of what we are buying.  All thoughts for another day.


Delay in implementing large employer (over 50) requirement for offering adequate and affordable health insurance


Breaking news these past few days has been the delay til Jan 2015 in the requirement (and concomitant penalty tax) that large employers (over 50 FTEs) have to offer adequate and affordable insurance to their employees.  I’ve read several takes on this.  Most are political though they do include some truisms.  This one from Nancy Benac of Associated Press has the basics right…though I’d start from her last paragraph that explains what’s still left. 


The Baltimore Sun ran an editorial that focused on the political fallout being worse than the reality.  I think that is likely to be true.


That editorial highlights that only 5% of businesses are over 50 FTEs (most American businesses are apparently relatively small enterprises), and of those over 50 FTE already almost 95% of those offer insurance (and are likely to continue to do so since it is the way to recruit and retain the best and the brightest).  I am not sure if all of those plans would meet the affordable (less than 9.5% of the worker’s income toward premiums for a single plan) nor the adequacy provisions (no more than 40% of the total expected costs of health care out of pocket are to be paid by the worker in a given year).  So, there may be some trickiness here.

As for Extension, I believe that we still need to prepare folks to be ready for Jan 1 start date for the marketplace, and perhaps to remind folks of all of the other consumer protections already built into health  insurance that they can feel more secure about…and that if they aren’t offered health insurance at work, they will now be mandated to purchase it, and that the Marketplace with options is the place to go to find those plans.

Will companies stop offering health insurance because of ACA?

This Wall Street Journal article poses this interesting question to three expert: Kevin Kuhlman, a manager of legislative affairs at the National Federation of Independent Business, a research and lobbying group for small business; Christine Eibner, an economist at RAND Corp. who has studied the possible effects of the law on health-insurance markets; and David Marini, managing director, strategic advisory services, at Automatic Data Processing Inc.,ADP +0.52% who also has studied the law’s effects.

They speak to the potential for some employers to decrease work hours to avoid the penalty for not offering insurance to all workers, but note that this is not a certainty.  Kuhlman notes that employer based insurance had already been declining significantly pre ACA.   Their discussion is worth a read.  Eibner presents more data to back up her assertions.

Here is a journal article by Arthur Tacchino that covers much of the same topic but really challenges: A new way to think about employer-sponsored health care coverage strategies.

How will ACA affect insurance premiums?

How ACA will affect insurance premiums has been a matter of debate for a while.  The evidence from the first state to set up an Exchange and post rates, California, paints a mixed picture.  A report in Forbes is showing rates for young people as increasing by 100-123%.  Rates for families seem more affordable.  The take away points from my perspective:

Many have predicted that premium rates under ACA would rise.  It really depends upon where you were in the market.  Someone with a pre-existing condition if she was fortunate enough to get health insurance will see her rates fall.  Rates could go up in general because:

  1. The law mandates not only that almost all must be insured but that all insurers must take all comers.  That is, there can be no denial of coverage for any reason.  Further, it mandates that there can be no rate differences between healthy consumers and the sickest or some of those most likely to use a lot of health care, the riskiest (including farmers and others in high risk occupations).  There remain rate differences for smokers, some age based differences, and differences based on prevailing costs of health care delivery in different regions of the country.
  2. The law mandates all non-grandfathered plans to include preventive benefits.  So now insurers will factor in the cost of screening exams that previously some may not have used or paid high prices for out of pocket.  (Grandfathered plans are those that were in existence before the law and have not changed anything since then.  Once they make a change they are no longer exempt.)
  3. The law mandates all non-grandfathered plans to include some coverage from a list of 10 essential benefits.

On the surface having increased premiums seems like a bad thing but note:

1.      Premiums before ACA had been rising so much that without some way to get insurers to control costs, insurance had already become unaffordable for many and was quickly heading that way for many more.  That is, premiums were going up without any real control.  Now we may at least know some of what the costs are for.

2.      Most specifically, if the premiums are really out of line with what the true cost of covering all of those people, sick and healthy, then the insurance companies have to give back.  That is the 80/20 rule where the insurance companies have to use 80% of monies collected for direct health care costs.  This year alone 67,000+ Kansans with private insurance received more than $4 million in rebates from insurance companies because the insurance companies made more profit than allowed by ACA. 

3.      There are some significant benefits we get from having all insured even if it costs more in premiums

    • The most important part of ACA from a consumer protection perspective is that no one who tries to purchase insurance can be denied coverage, or be thrown off when they get sick.  Previously one major illness often led to being uninsurable.  There are also no lifetime limits, and soon to be no annual limits, on your coverage.
    • A favorite of middle class consumers is being able to keep their young adult children up to age 26 on their family plans.
    • People who live in communities when more people are insured have better quality health care and better health outcomes.  So it matters not just that you or your family are insured but that your neighbors and co-workers are as well.
    • And a little discussed fact is that job lock will be over.  That is, because group like premiums are now not only to be found with your employer but also in the marketplace, and because pre-existing condition exclusions are gone from all plans, individuals can choose the jobs they want to work at and not just stay because of health insurance.  They will be able to purchase on their own on the Exchange.  There have even been predictions of more entrepreneurial undertakings.  This is detailed in a new report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Urban Institute and Georgetown University’s Health Policy Institute. The number of self-employed people is expected to rise by 1.5 million — a relative increase of more than 11 percent — as a direct result of the health care overhaul.
  1. So better plans, and more secure plans.  For some it will cost more.  For some it will cost much less.  And for many it will some type of plan, better than none at all.   

The goal of ACA was to get as many Americans insured as possible.  It is well established that people who are insured, and securely insured, are healthier, and use the health care system more appropriately, holding down costs for all.  It matters to the economy of any nation that it has a healthy workforce. The choice with ACA was to build upon the current health insurance market.  This meant paying premiums to private insurers and having those insurers negotiate with the health care providers while bearing the risk.  To do that they needed to have healthy people in the risk pool.  That is the reason for the mandate to strongly encourage that enrollment.  In the past premiums were rated based on one’s health status and predicted risk factors.  That’s why younger people had less expensive plans.  By blending all in the same risk pool it was known that premiums would rise for some but significantly decrease for others and actually be available for some who had been locked out of insurance altogether.  To lessen the impact of the premium increases ACA tried to make insurance as affordable as possible by allowing for tax credits.  That is, the feds will help individuals and families under certain income maximums pay for those premiums.  The insured gets a premium discount and the feds pay the insurance company the balance.  (Qualifying incomes are up to $45,960 for single, $94,200 for a family of four, maximize consumer premium contributions between 2-9.5% of income, on a sliding scale.)

So, mandates that we are all in game and that more pieces on the game-board are covered leads to likely increased costs for premiums for those who were lucky before.  The reason for the mandate is to get healthy people into the pool paying premiums to help minimize the costs for the non-healthy.  The youngest, under 30s, are allowed to purchase catastrophic plans to minimize the costs to that young population that is trying to get established economically. AND there are tax credits to help many pay for those premiums. So to talk about increased premiums without noted that the feds are going to be picking up a significant portion of those increased costs seems disingenuous at best.

ACA had also intended states to put their poorest individuals and families into their states’ Medicaid programs and to have the feds pick up that bill for 3 years.  The Supreme Court negated the penalty that was to be placed upon states that did not comply so as of June 2013 only 26 states (not Kansas) are participating with the result that many of states’ neediest populations will continue to be uninsured and use safety net providers, something that costs all of us when we balance out in other ways the uncompensated care provided to this population that is often very sick. 

There were alternative health reform plans floated for years, most prominent among these was to expand the very popular Medicare program to all US citizens.  That would have made the feds the direct payer of care for all and not just those over 65.  Money collected would have gone to health care providers and not to insurance companies for insurance policies.  It matters not if that would have been less expensive as many predicted.  It is not the plan that passed. 

And of course, we could have continued on the path we were on with no reform.  That would have meant that many Americans would have continued to worry about how they were going to meet the medical care needs of themselves and their family members and potentially go bankrupt.  And it would have meant that millions were at risk of being thrown off their insurance policies.  Even today before ACA goes into full effect as of January 1, 2014, there remain Americans who are one major illness away from being uninsured and uninsurable.  That American could be you, your neighbor, your co-worker or your loved one.  Only when it happens close to home do people realize how devastating that reality has been for many.  That reality goes away for most by January 1, 2014. 

I’ve also been reminded recently that when Medicare first passed in the mid 1960s it took many years and tweaking to improve it.  ACA likely needs improvement.  And there are many who would like to start over.  When Medicare got improved that was a time when Congress seemed to be capable of bipartisan crafting of our laws. 

Is ACA going to cost us?  Yes?  Will it be worth it?  Perhaps.  Could some other kind of health reform have been passed?  Perhaps.  Would we have been better off doing nothing?  It probably depends on whom you ask.

Lessons learned from launching Medicare Part D

An interesting new RWJ funded report from The Center on Health Insurance Reforms, Georgetown University Health Policy Institute, discusses the similarities between the launching of the Medicare Part D program and the online marketplace exchanges, particularly as they are going to impact enrollment.

The report “draws lessons from the launch of the Medicare prescription drug plan in 2003 to put the challenges facing health insurance exchanges today in to context. The authors say that while Medicare Part D is still not perfect, those implementing the program were successful in addressing problems as they arose, which they say may also bode well for the implementation of the health insurance exchanges.

The report looks at four key areas in which officials implementing insurance exchanges should look to Medicare Part D for lessons:

  • Wariness before program implementation
  • Education and outreach
  • Eligibility and enrollment
  • Consumer assistance”