Kansas State University


IT News

New “Ask Willie” website to help students

Ask Willie

In an effort to provide students an easy way to ask questions and voice concerns, K-State’s Office of Student Activities and Services has set up a new service called Ask Willie. According to a Dec. 9 press release from Media Relations, Ask Willie is a channel for students to go to for help with anything from university policies to personal issues. It consists of an e-mail address (askwillie@k-state.edu) and a website (www.k-state.edu/askwillie) with a form for students to use to request help or information.

Ask Willie is a part of the Healthy Decisions program, an initiative to enhance the lifestyle of K-State students and their peers. That website also houses the Ask Willie service.

The Ask Willie site will answer questions directly and refer students to appropriate persons and services that can provide assistance.

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