Kansas State University


IT News

IDT Roundtable Oct. 27: Prezi: Single Canvas, Dynamic Design, Presentation Pizzazz

Want to make your presentation more visual? Want your materials to have more impact? Looking for a way to put more life in your teaching than what PowerPoint can give you? Find out how Prezi breaks the mold of boring and linear presentations. See demos, participate in discussions, and share ideas about teaching with this new and free, exciting software.

Ben Ward and Huiming Lu will be presenting 11 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27, in Room 212 of the K-State Student Union.

To learn about upcoming sessions, see the IDT Roundtable website.

Coffee, tea, and water will be available, and you are welcome to bring your lunch.

RSVP to catl@k-state.edu, 785-532-7828.

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