Kansas State University


IT News

IT staff tips for cleaning out your email

With the impending move of central campus email from Zimbra to Office 365, one suggestion has been to clear out as much email as possible before the move.  These tips from IT staff can help identify and clean out larger amounts of email in a shorter time. 

  1. Search for “unsubscribe” in your emails, to easily identify and delete a lot of promotions, sales, and junk mail. (Ditto for advertising offers from marketing venues both on and off-campus.)
  2. Search for LISTSERV mailing-list emails, and delete mail that’s already archived at listserv.ksu.edu/web.
  3. Search for and delete emails from people who have left K-State (former co-workers, administrators, etc.) and/or people with whom you correspond frequently.
  4. Is your K-State email forwarded to another address?  You might delete the extra copies stored on K-State’s server.
  5. Search for email with attachments (deleting unneeded attachments can free up a lot of space fast). Emails that are greater than 25MB in size will not migrate. See How to identify and download email attachments larger than 25 MB. Also refer to Office 365: Email will not migrate if file attachment is 25MB or larger, which contains more details.

Before deleting any email, be sure to review K-State’s Retention of Records policy.

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About Betsy Edwards

• Web/information specialist in Information Technology Services • Editor/writer, K-State IT communications • IT News blog moderator • ETDR specialist