Kansas State University


IT News

Jan. 6, 2014: Faculty, staff, and student employees move from Zimbra to Office 365

by Information Technology Services

On Jan. 6, 2014, all faculty, staff, and student employees will be moved from Zimbra to Office 365 for email and calendaring. Email addresses will remain the same, and sign-in will be as usual at webmail.ksu.edu. This will complete the migration to Office 365 for the university.

Join the Office 365 Yammer network now to ask questions and get answers about using Office 365. (See Getting Started with Yammer for K-Staters.)

What can you do to begin preparing for Office 365?

Watch for upcoming announcements about online videoconferences in November and December, as well as January work sessions and clinics. See the Office 365 website to keep up-to-date on the latest information about the project.


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