Kansas State University


IT News

Update on K-State response to WannaCry ransomware

On May 15, initial scanning of the K-State network for the WannaCry Ransomware threat identified over 560 vulnerable Windows systems. In collaboration with system administrators from across campus, there are now fewer than 100 vulnerable systems.

However, K-State continues to be at risk for infection due to vulnerable Windows systems. As of 5:00 p.m. May 25, vulnerable Windows systems were blocked from the K-State network as per University policy.

Faculty, staff, and students who use those systems will NOT be able to access the network (wireless, email, Library databases, HRIS, shared drives, etc.) until their systems are patched and complete a security scan. Guests coming to campus also need to have their computers updated and patched.

Information Technology Services thanks system administrators for their quick response and assistance to protect against this vulnerability. For questions about the vulnerability, contact the IT Help Desk at 785-532-7722.

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