Kansas State University


IT News

Phishing alert: Microsoft OneNote Audio Note is used to get users to go to a fake Microsoft Login page

K-Staters need to be constantly on guard for potential phishing scams. The latest on the scene is a OneNote Audio Note phishing scam campaign.

Scammers are sending emails with the subject line: “New Audio Note Received” and then the body of the email message states that one of your contacts in your address book sent the email. The email includes a link such as “Listen to the full message here” which then takes you to a fake OneNote Online page. If you login, your credentials are stolen.

What can you do?  

  • Be aware of emails asking you to view an audio note. Ask the person who “sent” it if they actually did send it.
  • Be aware that Microsoft login forms will just be on microsoft.com, live.com, microsoftonline.com, and outlook.com domains only. If you are presented with a Microsoft login form from any other URL, avoid it and only use your normal bookmarks to go to these sites.

If you have any questions, contact the IT Help Desk (helpdesk@ksu.edu).


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