Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Events and deadlines

Events, deadlines, and timeframes

Reminder: HRIS and KSIS monthly maintenance scheduled March 14-15

Information Technology Services will perform scheduled monthly maintenance on the HRIS and KSIS systems from 10 p.m., Sat., Mar. 14, through noon, Sun., Mar. 15. K-State is also upgrading the HRIS and KSIS databases to Oracle 18c, so the maintenance window is longer this month. The maintenance will keep our systems up-to-date and secure.

Once the maintenance is complete, both systems will be brought back up for your use. Thank you to campus for your patience as we work to maintain our IT systems.

Microsoft Teams Essentials training

""Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration tool that allows users and organizations to efficiently discuss and work on projects and tasks without the need of email, phones, or file-sharing applications. This hands-on training will cover:

  • Accessing the application
  • Exploring the layout of the user interface
  • Understanding the purpose for the different levels of communication
  • Working on files at the same time as others
  • Getting an introduction to some of the additional apps
  • Demonstrating the integration with other Microsoft Office applications (such as Word and Excel)
  • Getting a brief walk-through of Shifts (scheduling)

More advanced features like Team creation and management will not be covered in this course.

Training Sessions will be held in Calvin 306 on:

  • March 9, 1:30– 3:00 p.m.
  • March 11, 8:30– 10:00 a.m.
  • March 11, 1:30–3:00 p.m.

Registration is required and seating is limited to 30 people per session. Please bring your Duo Device as you will be logging in multiple times.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Robert Howard at baxdrex@ksu.edu.

ServiceNow sessions on campus, March 4

Information Technology Services is hosting representatives from ServiceNow on March 4 in the Unger Complex. Opportunities to learn more about ServiceNow, including a general overview session and a more focused conversation session, are provided below.

  • 11-11:55 a.m.General overview of IT Service Management (ITSM) in ServiceNow for those interested in incident management, problem management, and enhancements (work orders). Join the session if you want to learn more about:
    • Incident management, problem management, request management, and enhancement management.
    • Ticketing system and work orders.
    • Compare and contrast tools used currently for ticketing and work orders.
  • 1-1:55 p.m. – This session is a more focused conversation with Q&A regarding our current implementation of ServiceNow (including processes discussed earlier and form management, workflow management, dashboards, reports) and areas for improved use. Join the session, if you have:
    • Business processes that are manual or paper-based, which could be automated.
    • Processes that occur in multiple systems that could be combined.
    • A need to measure how long a process takes or track the progress of a process.
    • A need to improve efficiencies.
    • A need for history or record-keeping around your processes.

The location for both sessions is Unger Complex, 146G or join the Zoom session.

ServiceNow is a cloud-based workflow software application shared among some members of One IT and K-State functional offices to manage incidents, problems, request fulfillment, asset management, change management, projects, and much more. For more information visit the ServiceNow website.

HRIS and KSIS monthly maintenance scheduled March 14-15

Information Technology Services will perform scheduled monthly maintenance on the HRIS and KSIS systems from 10 p.m., Sat., Mar. 14, through noon, Sun., Mar. 15. K-State is also upgrading the HRIS and KSIS databases to Oracle 18c, so the maintenance window is longer this month. The maintenance will keep our systems up-to-date and secure.

Once the maintenance is complete, both systems will be brought back up for your use. Thank you to campus for your patience as we work to maintain our IT systems.

KSIS Class Scheduler training available for Spring 2020

KSIS Class Scheduler training is now available for sign up in HRIS. Sessions are designed for employees new to the Class Scheduler process as well as refreshers for employees who have previously updated class schedules.

Topics include:

  • Printing the Class Schedule report
  • Updating room locations
  • Updating instructors
  • Updating the section status
  • Other course-related details

All sessions are held in 306 Calvin Hall.  The dates and times for the Class Scheduler sessions are:

New Class Scheduler

  • Monday, Feb. 24, 1:30-3 p.m.
  • Thursday, Feb. 27, 9:30-11 a.m.

Class Scheduler Tools (NEW)

  • Monday, March 2, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 5, 3:30-4:30 p.m.

Class Scheduler Refresher

  • Friday, March 6, 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes. If the current dates and times do not match your schedule, contact Fred Darkow at fdarkow@ksu.edu for more options.

K-State Mediasite webinar spring series

Mediasite logoInformation Technology Services continues the Mediasite webinar training series this spring with three new topics highlighting powerful features offered through Mediasite. Learn about the benefits of closed captions and how you can implement them in your Mediasite presentations during the 10 a.m. webinar on Feb. 17. The Mar. 23 webinar will introduce options for downloading your Mediasite content, and the final spring webinar Apr. 13 will discuss how best to leverage the insightful presentation analytics built into the My Mediasite portal.

Each 30-minute program is scheduled on a Monday at 10 a.m. and offered through Zoom.

The 2020 spring semester schedule includes:

Continue reading “K-State Mediasite webinar spring series”

Qualtrics demonstration scheduled for February 12

Join Qualtrics representatives on February 12 from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. in the Flint Hills Room, K-State Student Union for a demonstration of new features in Qualtrics along with a walkthrough of use cases for the student experience journey.

Qualtrics started in higher education 20 years ago, and since then, the company has learned a lot about what Experience Management (XM) in education truly means. The goal is to brief campus users on the future of Experience Management and how to use experience data to drive decision making through role-based dashboards, automated analytics, and closed-loop feedback for faculty, students, parents, and community.

Those wanting to join using Zoom, the meeting URL is qualtrics.zoom.us/j/688042683 .

There will be time at the end of the presentation to discuss individual needs.

HRIS and KSIS monthly maintenance scheduled Feb. 8-9

Information Technology Services will perform scheduled monthly maintenance on the HRIS and KSIS systems from 10 p.m., Sat., Feb. 8, through 6 a.m., Sun., Feb. 9. The maintenance will keep our systems up-to-date and secure. Both HRIS and KSIS will not be accessible during the maintenance. Once applied, both systems will be brought back up for your use. Thank you to campus for your patience as we work to maintain our IT systems.

Advising in KSIS training dates now available for Spring 2020

Training dates for Advising in KSIS are now available for the spring 2020 sessions. Sessions focus on the KSU Advisor Center functions. Full-time advisors and faculty advisors are encouraged to attend. Registration through HRIS is required. See Using HRIS to register for classes.

Advising training now available

The following Advising in KSIS sessions are provided in 306 Calvin Hall on the Manhattan campus.  The available times are:

  • Mon., Feb. 3, 10:30 a.m.-noon
  • Tues., Feb 4, 3:30-5 p.m.
  • Wed., Feb. 5, 1:30-3 p.m.
  • Fri., Feb. 7, 9:30-11 a.m.

Topics covered during the sessions include, but are not limited to:

  • Advisee information pages
  • Running and viewing a DARS audit
  • Removing advising flags
  • Viewing program/plan history
  • Viewing test scores

For more information on current advising processes, visit the KSIS for advisors web page.  See the KSIS training web page for additional classes.

If the available training sessions do not meet your schedule, please contact Fred Darkow at fdarkow@ksu.edu for further training options.

Register for the 2020 Top Hat Info Session today!

What is Top Hat?

Top Hat is a classroom engagement system that has been integrated with K-State’s Canvas. Many instructors are using the platform in their classrooms this spring through the use of quick questions and discussions to increase student participation and engagement and receive real-time feedback. The questions and attendance scores can automatically be tracked and synced into Canvas.

K-State has signed an agreement with Top Hat to provide a lower fee structure for students, who can purchase a $24 semester subscription with access to all courses using Top Hat within the semester.

Who is the Top Hat Info Session for?

This session is for:

  • Instructors who have not yet seen or heard about the platform
  • Instructors who did not have time in the past to take a look at the platform
  • Instructors who are not sure yet of how they can use active learning platform in class
  • Instructors who want to hear from K-State faculty’s experience using the platform

When is the Top Hat Info Session taking place? 

Amanda Laila, the K-State Top Hat Consultant will run the information session on Wednesday, January 15, 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the Big 12 room, K-State Student Union.

Submit your registration.

Participants will learn how to create an active learning environment in the classroom by implementing core Top Hat functionalities in order to boost student engagement, participation and motivation.

Eligibility: All faculty members (tenured, tenure-track, or term) and staff with a teaching role who have a genuine interest in learning about and building on their current Top Hat knowledge are encouraged to attend. This event is limited to 25 individuals, who will be selected on the first come-first served basis.
Would you like a one-on-one Top Hat training?
K-State’s dedicated Top Hat representative is Amanda Laila. Contact Amanda via email at amanda.laila@tophatmonocle.com or book an appointment via her calendar webpage.