Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: newtech

Spotlight: The Hunger Games

Hovercraft, weather control, and other forms of technology play a key role in The Hunger Games, a bestseller about a fight-to-the-death TV show — with unwilling “volunteers” — in the distant future of North America.

The K-State Book Network (KSBN) has chosen The Hunger Games as their focus book for Fall 2010. In addition, K-State faculty are incorporating it into their classes this fall using some technology of their own.

Part of the attraction may be today’s (Aug. 24) release of the third book in the trilogy, Mockingjay, which stands at #1 on Amazon.com’s Bestsellers list. Last night, the K-State Student Union Bookstore had a midnight release party to welcome the new book.

The second book, Catching Fire, was published in 2009 and is still #10 on Amazon’s list.

Node chair available for test drives until Aug. 3

K-Staters can try a new-tech Node chair at iTAC
K-Staters can try out a new-tech node chair on display at iTAC

Scott Rice Office Works has made a node chair (from manufacturer Steelcase) available to K-Staters for a test drive until Tuesday, Aug. 3; come over to iTAC (212 Hale Library) and try it out.

The node offers a flexible seat with no pneumatic adjustments; an adjustable workspace; swivel seat; and casters or gliders. The mobility allows for ease of room configuration — in rows of seats, or small and large group configurations.

Continue reading “Node chair available for test drives until Aug. 3”

Q/A: Can departments use LED screen at parking garage?

Q. Can departments advertise on the LED screen south of the new parking garage?

Yes, for a fee. See the new Message Board Procedures and Policies webpage for costs, message requirements, scheduling procedures, and other details.

The “K-State Message Board” (as it’s officially known) went live June 11 and actually has nothing to do with the parking garage, other than being located south of it and visible to Anderson Avenue drivers. The June 12 news release from K-State News Services quoted Bernard Pitts, Union director:

“We find ourselves in the era of communications and the LED is just one of the mediums available to convey our messages,” Pitts said. “The message board concept originated from the loss of street presence for the K-State Student Union with the construction of the parking garage. Continue reading “Q/A: Can departments use LED screen at parking garage?”

Cellphone ban July 1 for Manhattan drivers; allows hands-free kits

This is a friendly reminder that starting this Thursday, July 1, a new ordinance goes into effect for Manhattan banning the use of cellphones held to the ear while driving. (Editor’s note: See related article in this issue.) Hands-free kits such as Bluetooth ear pieces and/or hands-free speakerphone kits are still acceptable.

Continue reading “Cellphone ban July 1 for Manhattan drivers; allows hands-free kits”

iPad apps roundup: epicurious, News Pro, WeatherBug Elite

The iPad has been on the street now for a little over a week, and application developers have been busy creating their latest wares. Here are some of the apps that I have had a chance to play with and find useful and fun.


“Epicurious” is an application that connects to a database housing an array of recipes. You can browse recipes by category, event type, ingredients, and ranking.

Feedback is available from folks who have attempted the recipe. Many will provide helpful deviations or hints, and the rating system of “would make again” has been helpful in narrowing down recipes for further experimentation.

The app is free and is available at the
epicurious-recipes-shopping link in the iTunes store.

Continue reading “iPad apps roundup: epicurious, News Pro, WeatherBug Elite”

Apple iPad released; in stock at Union Computer Store

(Editor’s note: For an overview of iPad features, see “The iPad has landed” spotlight in this issue.)

On Saturday, April 3, Apple released the iPad. It features a 9.7-inch high-resolution screen, weighs 1.5 pounds, and has up to 10 hours of battery life per charge.

The iPad comes in two models — Wi-Fi, and Wi-Fi +3G (shipping late April).   Both models are available in 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB capacities.

Those familiar with the iPod touch and iPhone will feel right at home with the iPad, as it uses the same touch-based operating system. Novices will find it simple to use as well.  More info is available at www.apple.com/ipad.

Continue reading “Apple iPad released; in stock at Union Computer Store”

Spotlight: The iPad has landed

This past weekend Apple launched their new tablet device — the iPad. As of this writing, Apple had sold about 300,000 of the new devices through their various channels. The iPad is currently being offered in three sizes, 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB, with a price range of $499-$699. (See the other iPad article in this issue.)

This version of the iPad is equipped with Wi-Fi only and will be joined by an AT&T-equipped 3G version later this month.

Apple's new iPad functions in both horizontal and vertical format.
Apple's new iPad functions in both horizontal and vertical format.

The iPad is positioned to compete with netbooks and ebook readers by trying to provide a better, portable media and computing experience than either alone.

Continue reading “Spotlight: The iPad has landed”

IT Orientation session March 10: Emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies, the last IT Orientation session for the Spring 2010 semester, will be 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 10, in 401B Hale Library. Learn more about a variety of emerging technologies that can help in the classroom, office, and at home. The session is open to all K-State faculty, staff, and students but requires pre-registration.

See the IT Orientation website for details on the session.

IT Orientation session March 4: Library Technology

At the March 4 IT Orientation session, learn more about library technology at K-State. The one-hour session will be 10 a.m. Thursday, March 4, in 401B Hale Library. It is open to all K-State faculty, staff, and students but requires pre-registration.

After this session, there will be one last session this spring on Emerging Technologies at 10 a.m. Wednesday, March 10 in 401B Hale Library.

See the IT Orientation website for details on the sessions.

"Leading Edge Education: Is There an App for That??" presentation Feb. 9

K-Staters are invited  to a presentation on “Leading Edge Education: Is There an App for That??” Leigh Grinstead, a prinicipal in the Bibliographical Center for Research in Aurora, Colo., will walk us through the new lexicon jungle — of wikis and blogs — and of new concepts that will help us understand where our students actually work and play, so that we can reach them effectively.

The presentation is 9 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9, in the Hemisphere Room of Hale Library. Continue reading “"Leading Edge Education: Is There an App for That??" presentation Feb. 9”