Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: video

Improved streaming for K-State videos, plus tips to improve performance

by Information Technology Services

Many courses at K-State include an online media component, so it’s important that our video streaming is the best it can be. Information Technology Services (ITS) is happy to announce that, with recent hardware and software changes, K-Staters will notice improved performance on their video playback. Continue reading “Improved streaming for K-State videos, plus tips to improve performance”

Viewing of video issues in K-State Online

by Rebecca Gould

With the beginning of the spring semester, we are seeing an increase in the use of video in courses and imported into K-State Online. Associated with this increase in usage, comes technical issues that students are experiencing. In many instances, the IT Help Desk and the DCE Facilitation Center have been able to work through the issues. On the other hand, there have been times when a solution was not found.  Continue reading “Viewing of video issues in K-State Online”

Amara, a free and easy way to caption video

Amara is a free and easy-to-use video captioning and translation service. Captioning video makes videos accessible for the hearing-impaired and improves the video’s search results.  In addition to captioning video, you can also translate it into other languages.

Oftentimes, captioning and/or translating video is very time-consuming. Amara has made the task virtually pain-free.   Continue reading “Amara, a free and easy way to caption video”

Add customization to TED and YouTube videos

TED-Ed has released it’s “Flip this Lesson” feature. This allows you to create customized lessons based upon TED or YouTube videos. A few of the functions include:

  • Add a lesson title
  • Create short answer questions
  • Provide additional resources
  • Provide ending thoughts
  • Publish your lesson with one URL (web address) or send a unique URL to each student so you can track individual progress

Read more about TED-ED’s Flip This Video project or take the TED-Ed Website Tour (YouTube video).

“Video and imaging” demos at technology showcase March 13

(Author’s note:  This is the second in a series about the faculty demonstrations scheduled for K-State’s technology showcase March 13. Information is excerpted from the complete list of faculty demonstrations on the ksushowcase.wordpress.com website.)  

The Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase is 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. All faculty/staff are invited to attend free and see demos, visit with vendors, and win prizes. Pre-registration is required at ksushowcase.wordpress.com/registration and closes March 9.

No one can deny the impact of video and images on learning.  These faculty demonstrations March 13 will show tools, processes, and results when using video and imaging.

Using a Video Camera to Enhance F2F and Online Learning — Video cameras are a great tool to enhance learning from face-to-face experiences, especially in courses where social dynamics or group dynamics are addressed.  Recorded experiences can then be uploaded to K-State Online for archiving and viewing.  Learn how to easily use a video camera to enhance classroom or online learning experiences.

Unlock the Secrets of the Universe With Video Green Screening — See how using green screen in video can be used to enhance video for use in your online or face-to-face classroom. Come by and experience it for yourself as we put you in virtually any environment. You’ll see yourself on screen with motivating/creative and educational backgrounds. The potential power of this tool is virtually limitless, feel the power!

Continue reading ““Video and imaging” demos at technology showcase March 13″

Debra Sellers to present on Traumatic Brain Injury project at Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase March 13

K-State’s free Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase is 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. All faculty, staff, and administrators are welcome to attend. Pre-register at ksushowcase.wordpress.com/registration

This is a Q&A with Debra Sellers, associate professor and extension specialist, School of Family Studies and Human Services.

Dr. Deb Sellers

What is “traumatic brain injury”?

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) defines TBI as “an alteration in brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an external force.” A way to think about this is in terms of something away from the body or not part of the body that hurts the brain. There are two key types: one is a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, and the second type is a penetrating injury.

How did you get involved in your work with TBI survivors? How did this project get its start at Kansas State University?

Jane Mertz Garcia, professor in Communication Sciences and Disorders, has been working with people with traumatic brain injury for more than 20 years, and I have many years of experience in working with older adults and people with disabilities. Older adults are affected by TBI more than other groups, along with young children and adolescents, although anyone of any age may experience a TBI. Additionally, Kansas is significantly affected by TBI, and has the highest fatalities rate of 33 reporting states. Continue reading “Debra Sellers to present on Traumatic Brain Injury project at Teaching, Learning, and Technology Showcase March 13”

Free class Nov. 11: Basics of using a professional-grade camcorder

The Media Development Center in Hale Library is offering a class Friday, Nov. 11, for K-Staters who would like to learn the basics of using a professional-grade camcorder. The class is 9-10 a.m in the MDC, 213 Hale Library.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Set the white balance
  • Choose the correct camera mode
  • Use the zoom, iris, and focal controls
  • Check and adjust audio levels
  • Use good techniques for shooting video

Faculty/staff and students do not need to register for these classes. Just go to the Media Development Center the day of the class to participate. For more information, call 785-532-4921.

Zoom videocamera available for checkout by K-Staters

photo of blue Zoom video recorder
Zoom Q3 pocket-sized video recorder

The Zoom Q3 Handy Video Recorder is a pocket-sized video recorder that records MP4 video clips. It retails for about $200. However, students and faculty/staff can check out a Zoom at no charge, at the iTAC equipment check-out desk in 214 Hale Library.

What sets this versatile video recorder apart from other similarly sized recorders is its exceptional audio quality. The Q3 has built-in stereo condenser microphones that provide broadcast-quality audio.

The video and audio are also easily imported into a computer using the built-in USB cable or an SD card.

More IT resources available for checkout, plus procedures and policies, are listed on the Media Development Center’s equipment checkout page.

Videos were tops in 2010

The use of video continues to rise as a popular application. The following are a few statistics from YouTube:

  • Over 24 hours of video are uploaded every minute
  • More video is uploaded to YouTube in 60 days than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years
  • In 2009, YouTube had 1 billion views a day
  • In 2010, YouTube exceeded 2 billion views a day
  • In 2010, more than 700 billion videos were viewed and 13 million hours of video were uploaded
  • YouTube mobile gets  over 100 million views a day

Check out YouTube EDU for examples of how video is being used in education.


See the YouTube Press Room for additional statistics.

Student demand for MDC technology goes up at semester’s end

The Media Development Center in 213 Hale Library experiences a spike in demand as the end of semester nears, with few empty seats in sight and students crowding around large-screen monitors working on group projects.

Composite image of photos taken December 2010 showing students using the Media Development Center
Students doing group projects in the Media Development Center near the end of fall semester 2010