Kansas State University


Kansas Profile

Tag: First Impressions

Danny Scott, Caney Community Betterment Group Foundation

“Betterment: The act or process of improving something.”

This definition certainly applies to the work of a group of volunteers who are helping to improve their rural southeast Kansas community.

Woman and man standing together, looking at camera
Norma and Danny Scott

Danny Scott is with the Caney Community Betterment Group Foundation. He told of how Caney has made progress, thanks to the Kansas PRIDE Program, First Impressions, Rural Grocery Initiative, the City of Caney and members of the community.

Danny and his wife Norma have rural roots. They grew up in Chautauqua County near the rural community of Niotaze, population 82 people. Now, that’s rural.

Danny and Norma were in 4-H together and went to K-State before getting married. He started working at the bank in Caney during the summers and joined the bank full-time after earning his ag economics degree. He then worked for a computer network company in Coffeyville before coming back to Caney’s Community National Bank & Trust, from which he retired in 2019. He had become quite concerned about the community’s trajectory.

“Caney was running downhill,” Danny said. Downtown businesses were boarded up, the grocery store had closed, the town’s old swimming pool was leaking, and the chamber of commerce closed down. “It was discouraging,” Danny said.

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Gary Olson, Gypsum

By Ron Wilson, director of the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development at Kansas State University.

Can first impressions lead to changes in communities? Yes, based on the experience of one rural community which used the First Impressions program as a springboard for strategic actions to make community improvements.

Welcome to Gypsum sign
Welcome to Gypsum sign

Gary Olson is an entrepreneur, farmer, and real estate broker in Gypsum, Kansas. He grew up on a nearby farm and now produces seed wheat and has a real estate company. He’s also seen the struggles of rural communities. “Our town had about died,” Gary said.

In January 2019, he bought a building in downtown Gypsum and revitalized the flea market which had been operating there as a place for vendors to sell various products. Some are original custom products, such as from a nearby welding shop. Others are used or repurposed products that can be purchased affordably. People can sell items on consignment or donate them. “Our customers say they find hidden treasures here,” Gary said.

Resa Risinger is now the flea market manager. She noted that the market offered special promotions during the holidays such as a drawing for a free turkey and three hams. Continue reading “Gary Olson, Gypsum”

Kansas Profile – Now That’s Rural: Nancy Daniels and Nadine Sigle – First Impressions

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Did your mother tell you that? If so, she was right. First impressions are important, for communities as well as people. Today we’ll learn about a program which can help Kansas towns create their community’s best possible first impression for visitors and prospective residents, while setting the stage for community action.

Nancy Daniels and Nadine Sigle are community vitality specialists with K-State Research and Extension. They use a program called First Impressions to provide helpful feedback for community improvement initiatives across the state.

Continue reading “Kansas Profile – Now That’s Rural: Nancy Daniels and Nadine Sigle – First Impressions”