Let’s go to Kauffman Stadium, home of the defending world champion Kansas City Royals. Note how the concourse floor is smooth, clean, and beautiful. That’s because this floor was coated with a special treatment, produced by a company with ties to rural Kansas.

Paul Budenbender is co-owner of Epoxy Coating Specialists, or ECS, which coated the concourses at Kauffman Stadium as well as floors and walls in many other facilities across the country. Paul’s family has roots in Pottawatomie County, where his ancestors homesteaded near Fostoria. Paul’s dad went to K-State and then worked for the Corps of Engineers, which eventually transferred him to the head office in Kansas City. Paul grew up at Shawnee but spent summers on his grandparent’s farm.
Tragically, Paul’s father passed away from cancer at age 48. Paul went to work for a painting and flooring contractor in Olathe. He worked there 16 years and met his wife Pam. Paul’s work involved the emerging use of epoxy to paint floors and walls.
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