Kansas State University


Kansas Profile

Tag: Jeff Tucker

Kansas Profile – Now That’s Rural: Heather Morgan – Project 17 – Part 2

T, W, and S are three letters which are sometimes used to precede the title of a project in southeast Kansas. What does TWS stand for? The Weather System? Toward West and South? Some company? No, in this case, it stands for “Together We Succeed,” which is an apt description of the mindset which drives Project 17 in southeast Kansas.

Pictured left to right: Heather Morgan, Project 17 director; April Mason, K-State Provost; and Jeff Tucker, director of the Advanced Manufacturing Institute.
Pictured left to right: Heather Morgan, Project 17 director; April Mason, K-State Provost; and Jeff Tucker, director of the Advanced Manufacturing Institute.

Last week we learned about Project 17, which uses Together We Succeed as an unofficial motto. Heather Morgan is the executive director. She grew up in Pratt, did undergraduate work at Kansas Wesleyan and then got her master’s in public administration at K-State while working with the women’s basketball team and K-State Athletics.

After graduation, Heather worked in the governor’s budget office in Topeka. She joined the state Juvenile Justice Authority where she became assistant commissioner and also served for a time as a county manager.

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Kansas Profile – Now That’s Rural: Heather Morgan – Project 17

What’s your platform? No, not fancy shoes or the policy statements which are debated and adopted by the political parties every four years. I’m talking about what has been referred to as a “regional change platform.” In fact, it is a grassroots network that is working to improve the lives of citizens across a multi-county region of southeast Kansas.

project17logoProject 17 is the name of this project for regional economic development and community engagement in the southeast region of the state, led by the Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AMI) within Kansas State University’s College of Engineering. Jeff Tucker is executive director of AMI. Since 2004 AMI has been working with companies, communities, and regions throughout Kansas to help cultivate rural, innovation-based economies.

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