The call came while she was sitting with her dad at a pizza place. Essentially, the message was: “Sorry, we’re canceling our entire order from your business.”
Since that was all the product that she had to sell, it seemed like disaster. But this was just a turning point in the development of what has become a remarkable business in rural Kansas.
Jacquelyne Leffler is the founder of Leffler Prime Performance, a direct-to-consumer beef marketing business that she operates in conjunction with her family’s farm. She lives on the place where she grew up, near the rural community of Americus, population 776 people. Now, that’s rural.
“We’re the fourth generation on the farm,” Leffler said. “Our family has been here since 1941.”
The Lefflers produce beef cattle, corn, soybeans and wheat.
“My sister and I grew up in 4-H,” Leffler said. “My grandfather would give us a steer for 4-H each year, but the proceeds from the steer’s sale had to go into a savings account for our college education.”
She noticed that some local people would buy those steers directly after the fair.
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