“What if?” That can be a powerful question. Today we’ll meet a group of Kansans who essentially asked “what if” a version of a statewide leadership development program could be implemented in their home county. That led to the creation of a county leadership development program which is still going strong after 20 years.
Curt Frasier is an attorney at Beloit. In the 1990s, he was serving on the board of directors of the Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership or KARL program, a highly successful statewide development initiative for farm, agribusiness, and rural citizens. Several Mitchell countians had participated in the KARL program.

One KARL graduate was Lucille Heller, then a teacher in Mitchell County. “Curt came back from the KARL board and thought we should have a program like KARL at the county level,” Lucille said. “He brought together some recent KARL graduates like Doug Palen, Fred Severance and I to see if we could put together a program.”
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