“Well, if I had a grocery store, here’s what I would do…” That statement on the part of one Kansas woman may have been prophecy, as she has become the owner of an innovative grocery store serving rural Kansas.

Last week we met Paul Budenbender who operates a floor coating business while living in rural Kansas. His wife Pam has strong opinions about grocery stores, and she recently had the opportunity to put those opinions to work.
“I was a military brat, from everywhere and nowhere,” Pam said with a smile. Along with other duty stations, her dad served at Fort Riley and Fort Leavenworth near Kansas City. While working on a construction job in Kansas City, Pam met Paul Budenbender and they ultimately were married. Paul’s family came from a farm in northern Pottawatomie County. Pam and Paul would frequently come to the farm on the weekends. The nearest store was in Onaga, but it was small and limited.
Continue reading “Kansas Profile – Now That’s Rural: Pam Budenbender – Onaga Country Market”