An eight foot tall tomato plant? It sounds like a gardener’s dream, but one innovative young rural Kansas couple is making it become reality using a gardening technique known as hydroponics.
Samuel and MaryAnn Beachy are the founders and owners of Beachy’s Flowers and Produce. They were living in Kentucky and then moved to Kansas to be closer to MaryAnn’s parents in Lyndon.
Samuel was operating a locker plant in Osage City until he sold that business. The Beachys’ church was looking to expand in the Wamego and Manhattan area, and Samuel wanted to pursue a new enterprise there.
“I’ve always been intrigued with growing things,” Samuel said. “I loved to grow things in the garden.”
As he and MaryAnn considered a move, they thought about the type of produce operation that could work best in northeast Kansas and decided to try an indoor, hydroponic system. “He did a lot of studying,” MaryAnn said.
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