Let’s go exploring – not in some far-away land, but right here in Kansas. We now have a new guidebook which can tell us about wonderful communities, sights to see, and great places to eat, within our own state.

Marci Penner and WenDee Rowe are director and assistant director of the Kansas Sampler Foundation and co-authors of The Kansas Guidebook 2 for Explorers.
As we have previously profiled, Marci grew up on her family’s farm near Inman. She went to Kansas University and the University of Wisconsin and was a guidance counselor back east before returning to Kansas.
Marci’s father, Mil was a farmer, conservationist, entrepreneur, writer and self-taught photographer. In the 1980s, he published a coffee table photo essay book. Readers admired the pictures and asked, “How do you get to those places?”