Better Kansas – Ideas for Living, Growing and Succeeding

Tag: community development

Better Kansas – April 29, 2021

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In this week’s Better Kansas, we take a look at how trails can lead to economic development, foods that fight inflammation, sweet potato bread, the surprising benefits of a healthy lawn, soybean planting considerations and a handy way to track precipitation across the state. This is a small glimpse of what K-State Research and Extension across the state has to offer. Share on social media and subscribe! – Mary Lou Peter

Better Living, Better Communities

ONE THING THIS PANDEMIC SPARKED IS THAT MORE PEOPLE SEEM TO BE OUT WALKING, jogging, and bicycling than ever before. My neighborhood is pleasant but walking the same streets for so many years gets a little repetitious, so it’s nice to explore different trails in the area. Communities across the country are using peoples’ interest in exploring trails to help fuel economic activity as well as community pride and mental and physical health. An example of how that’s working in Ottawa, Kansas was featured in a recent First Friday e-Call on the role of trails in community development and in an article posted online. Exploring a new trail followed by a little shopping and pleasant dinner in a new community sounds good to me!

INFLAMMATION HAS AN IMPORTANT ROLE IN OUR BODIES as it often signals that we’re fighting the effects of arthritis, an injury or infection. But when inflammation becomes chronic, it’s literally a pain and can take such a toll on our daily lives. What we eat can help mitigate inflammation, however. Take a look at Top 10 foods that fight inflammation. I KNEW there was a reason I like almonds and dark chocolate … especially together! That whole portion control thing is another topic.

SWEET POTATOES IN BREAD? MAYBE A WIN-WIN! Mostly in Better Kansas, I feature the work of K-State researchers and educators. Occasionally, however, the work of other universities catches my eye and that’s what happened when I read about work done at South Dakota State University, another land grant school doing great work, this time incorporating sweet potato puree into bread. It adds Vitamin A and changes the starch composition by increasing the fiber content. Read about how that might be beneficial for those dealing with diabetes. I’ve become a big fan of sweet potatoes in pretty much every form, so this just reinforces my interest.

Better Farming, Ranching and Gardening

WHAT HELPS KEEP US COOLER IN SUMMER, FILTERS CONTAMINANTS AND REDUCES NOISE? The answer is surprisingly simple: a healthy lawn. Plus, it looks beautiful, feels great and smells good, especially right after mowing. Take a look at Benefits of Healthy Turfgrass to learn more surprising positives about something that many of us take for granted. I once lived in northern California, where water is often scarce. Some of my neighbors had resorted to a front yard full of rocks and a back yard of concrete or artificial turfgrass. It was understandable but for this native Midwesterner, it reinforced a feeling of being a stranger in a strange land. More information about planting and maintaining healthy lawns is also available on the Turfgrass and landscape blog.


LUCKILY FOR SOYBEAN GROWERS, THOSE BEANS CAN BE PLANTED OVER A WIDE RANGE OF DATES, but they’re a little finicky about soil temperatures. Kansas growers are tending to plant slightly earlier than they used to. A recent Agronomy eUpdate article covers K-State recommendations for soybean planting dates and maturity groups and offers visually descriptive maps. As of the week ending April 25, Kansas producers had planted 2% of the soybean crop which was equal to last year and near the 1% average, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Soil moisture, another critical component of a successful crop, was generally rated adequate to surplus. Topsoil was rated 5% surplus, 76% adequate, 13% short and 6% very short. Subsoil moisture was rated 5% surplus, 73% adequate, 14% short and 8% very short.


KANSAS MESONET NOW HAS A NEW TOOL THAT TRACKS THE NUMBER OF CONSECUTIVE DAYS we’ve had across the state without precipitation. That’s helpful for farmers, gardeners, homeowners and other weather watchers. The Consecutive Days without Precip page takes the guesswork out of trying to remember if that quarter inch shower was two weeks ago Friday … or was it the previous Tuesday? A recent Kansas Farmer magazine article highlighted the new feature.


For more resources and activities, contact the K-State Research and Extension office in your area. Check out our other blogs and subscribe to our weekly emails here:

Better Kansas – Nov. 19, 2020

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In today’s Better Kansas, we touch on holiday food preparation, Kansas PRIDE happenings, produce contributions feeding the hungry, dry to drought conditions across the state, sorghum product advances (more about feeding the hungry) and a change in pest management schools. This is a small glimpse of what K-State Research and Extension across the state has to offer.

I am taking a break next week to try out some of these holiday tips I’ve been sharing and to give thanks – for my family, friends, colleagues, readers and while we’re at it, food, shelter, health, a nice fall day …. I could go on and on! HAPPY THANKSGIVING and as always, feel free to share on social media and subscribe! – Mary Lou Peter

Better Living, Better Communities

TURKEYS, STUFFING AND TURDUCKENS, OH MY! In looking for info for the other part of my job (writing and editing news articles), I happened upon a full page dedicated to preparing holiday foods. Us being a university and all, it’s mostly links to good information about research-based food safety, but there are also a few basic recipes. Many of the resources are available in both English and Spanish. And YES, under “Seasonal Food Safety” there really is a fact sheet about how to safely prepare turducken. I didn’t realize until now that we have Louisianans to thank for those layered turkey-duck-chicken creations. Also, don’t miss the USDA Hotline Answers. Isn’t accidentally cooking the bag of giblets in the turkey a rite of passage for novice cooks?!


AGAIN, CONGRATULATIONS TO THE KANSAS PRIDE PROGRAM as it celebrates its 50th anniversary of helping make communities across the state better. In the November PRIDE newsletter we can read about (or listen to) a Kansas Profile column on the restoration of the high school in Lecompton, Kansas (pictured), which now serves as the community center, library, physical activity and meeting venue. Plus, learn about ways volunteers in Potwin, Riverton, Galena, Wichita, Ellis and Conway Springs are working to make their communities better. Don’t miss “If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me.” And for those of you on social media, Kansas PRIDE is also on Facebook.

Better Farming, Ranching and Gardening

K-STATE’S OLATHE HORTICULTURE CENTER is at it again – teaming up with non-profit After the Harvest to help feed hungry families in the Kansas City metro area. And this time, we’re on television! After the Harvest has volunteer “gleaners” who travel to the university’s horticulture center and other farms in the area to harvest fresh produce that was missed or – in the university’s case – not needed for research. That fresh, nutritious food – thousands of pounds of it – is then distributed to families in need through Harvester’s, a regional food bank serving 26 counties in northeastern Kansas and northwestern Missouri. Read about this effort plus current research in fruits and vegetables, turfgrass, work with Growing Growers and more in the Olathe Horticulture Center Fall 2020 Newsletter. And watch upcoming issues of this blog for updates on Kansas Extension Master Gardeners’ (aka EMGs) generous efforts across the state.


SPEAKING OF HUNGRY PEOPLE, researchers here in Kansas are working to better utilize Kansas crops – corn, soybeans, wheat and sorghum – to feed hungry populations around the world AND give Kansas agriculture an economic boost. Take a look at Sorghum grain provides answers for food shortages to learn how fortified food products can alleviate hunger and add high caloric value to support early development in young children. Given that Kansas grows by far more sorghum than any other state, this effort and work like this is beneficial for the world’s growing population and for the agricultural economy right here at home.

KANSAS, LIKE MANY STATES, IS DRY, with 12% in severe or worse drought as of Nov. 10. The rest of the state, save some southern counties, was in the abnormally dry to moderate drought category, according to a K-State e-Update article and the U.S. Drought Monitor. For an update on how dry conditions and fall temperatures have affected our important winter wheat crop, take a look at Factors to Consider in Winter Survival of Wheat. For the record, USDA/NASS reported that the state’s newly planted winter wheat was rated 32% good to excellent, 45% fair, and 23% poor to very poor as of Nov. 15. A total of 88% of the new crop had emerged. Topsoil moisture supplies were rated 23% very short, 41% short, 35% adequate and 1% surplus, while subsoil moisture – you know, down where those plant roots are looking for it – was rated 22% very short, 43% short, 34% adequate and 1% surplus.

CHANGE IN PLANS! LAST WEEK I BROUGHT YOU INFORMATION ABOUT PEST MANAGEMENT SCHOOLS PLANNED FOR DECEMBER. They will still be held but because of the surge in coronavirus cases in Kansas and elsewhere, they will be in a virtual format rather than in-person as previously planned. Take a look to sign up for this valuable training.

For more resources and activities, contact the K-State Research and Extension office in your area. Check out our other blogs and subscribe to our weekly emails here: