Kansas State University



Author: Brenee King

KS-LSAMP Fall 2016 Events


VIP Tour – All-University Career Fair
September 20 and 22, 2016
What is the All-University Career Fair and why should I attend? If you are asking yourself these questions, then this event is for you! During this event you will learn how to present yourself to employers and make the most of your time at the fair. You will be part of a small group tour and get first-hand experience speaking with recruiters. Freshmen, sophomore, transfer students or first-time attendees are encouraged to attend.


Scholarship Application Workshop
October 3, 2016
4:30 pm – 5:30 pm
111 Leadership Studies Building

Are you thinking of applying to scholarships this semester or in the future? If the answer is yes, then plan to attend our workshop. We will be discussing the different components of a scholarship application, mainly the personal statement and letters of recommendation. The workshop will get you thinking about how to best complete these components. KS-LSAMP has scholarships available to eligible students, information regarding these scholarships will be discussed at the event.

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KS-LSAMP upcoming events | As of 3.3.2016

Hello KS-LSAMP students there are several upcoming events that can count as participation in the KS-LSAMP Scholar program. Remember you will need a total of 3 events to advance to Silver Scholar status and have the opportunity to apply for scholarships.The scholarship deadline for Spring 2016 is April 4, 2016. There is still plenty of time for you to advance to the next LSAMP scholar level. Below, please see a list of some of  the upcoming events:

KS-LSAMP Organized Events
Campus Involvement
March 10, 2016
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Leadership Studies Room, 113
Interested in what you can do outside the classroom? Listen to current K-State students talk abut how and why they got involved on campus and how they manage their schedules to avoid over-involvement. Registration not required. Attendance at this event would fall into the professional development category.

March 29, 2016
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Leadership Studies, Room 127
Wondering why you should invest time in networking? We will discuss some of the benefits of networking and ways you can get started. Co-hosted by Career & Employment Services. Attendance at this event would fall into the professional development category.

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KS-LSAMP students present research at national conference

2016-02-27 20.56.27Six students who completed projects this past summer as part of the KS-LSAMP Research Immersion: Pathways to STEM (RiPS) program attended the Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) held in Washington DC on February 25-27, 2016. The ERN conference is hosted by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Education and Human Resources Programs (EHR) and the Nation Science Foundation Division of Human Resources Development (HRD). The conference is student-focused with an emphasis on college and university undergraduate and graduate students. One objective of the conference was to help students improve their communication skills. This was evident by the number of student presenters with about 600 undergraduate and graduate student abstracts for oral and poster presentations.

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KS-LSAMP upcoming events | As of 2.14.2016

Hello KS-LSAMP students there are several upcoming events that can count as participation in the KS-LSAMP Scholar program. Remember you will need a total of 3 events to advance to Silver Scholar status and have the opportunity to apply for scholarships. Upcoming events include:

KS-LSAMP Organized Events
Campus Involvement
March 10, 2016
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Leadership Studies, Room 113
Interested in what you can do outside the classroom? Listen to current K-State students talk about how and why they got involved on campus and how they manage their schedules to avoid over-involvement. No registration necessary.

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KS-LSAMP upcoming events | As of 2.2.2016

Hello KS-LSAMP students there are several upcoming events that can count as participation in the KS-LSAMP Scholar program. Remember you will need a total of 3 events to advance to Silver Scholar status and have the opportunity to apply for scholarships. Upcoming events include:

KS-LSAMP organized events
Organization and Time Management
February 9, 2016
4:00 – 5:00 pm
Leadership Studies, Room 113

Are you ready for Spring semester? During this seminar we will discuss the importance of the class syllabus and how to create a schedule that works for you. Registration encouraged: http://bit.ly/TMOsp16

Volunteer Opportunity
February 14, 2016
2:30 – 8:00 pm
Various option available to participation

Interested in sharing your STEM/K-State experience with others? KS-LSAMP is hosting an event for potential transfer students and we need your help! Opportunities to guide campus tours (no experience needed), attend dinner or social events and interact with students are available. This is your chance to share your experiences with other students.
Registration Required, deadline February 5, 2016: http://bit.ly/vol_TSVDSP2016.

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