Andrew Fowler
Garden City Community College
2015 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Emily McLaurin, Chemistry
Project Title: Temperature Sensing Nanocrystals
Amsi Anaya
Dodge City Community College
2015 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Stella Lee, Biology
Project Title: Tracking the overexpressed GFP-tagged mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit c in mammalian cells
Ruben Pando
Seward County Community College
2015 RiPS Mentor: Jeroen Roelofs, Biology
Project Title: Identification of Specific Genes Involved in Proteasome Autophagy
Martha Rangel
Seward County Community College
2015 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Eleanor Sayre, Physics Education
Project Title: Students model atmospheric CO2 in a bucket
Maria Montes
Garden City Community College
2015 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Peying Fong, Anatomy & Physiology
Project Title: Surface expression of membrane proteins detected using an ELISA-based luminometric assay
Kate Inchun
Garden City Community College
2015 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Robert DeLong, Anatomy & Physiology
Project Title: Characterization of the interactions between model RNA, protein, and bio-relevant nanoparticles
Jared Medina
Garden City Community College
2015 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Douglas McGregor, Nuclear Engineering
Project Title: Manufactoring of alpha particle detectors
Irene Perez
Garden City Community College
2015 RiPS Mentor: Tandalayo Kidd, Human Nutrition
Project Title: Designing a nutrition education resource related to lifestyle behaviors and cancer risks
Diana Zamora
Garden City Community College
2015 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Cassandra Jones, Animal Science & Industry
Project Title: The effects of dry power acidulant of Salmonella contamination in poultry feed
Andrew Ortiz
Seward County Community College
2015 RiPS Mentor: Fred Hasler, Architectural Engineering
Project Title: Modeling lighting systems using AGI32
Dalia Sanchez
Kansas State University
2015 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Ryan Rafferty, Chemistry
Project Title: Efforts towards the total synthesis of Reniochalistatin E