Kansas State University



2017 RiPS Participants

Cesar Aparicio
Garden City Community College
2017 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Emily McLaurin, Chemistry
Project Title: Water-soluable Phosphine Quantum Dots for Biomedical Imaging







Jose Trejo
Seward County Community College
2017 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Prathap Parameswaran, Civl Engineering
Project Title: Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor (AnMBR) for Sustainable Wastwater Treatment







Daniel Pivaral
Seward County Community College
2017 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Tendai Gadzikwa, Chemistry
Project Title: Electrochemical Growth of a Metal-Organic Framework Material Inside Nanoporous Membranes






Nhicolas Aponte
Garden City Community College
2017 RiPS Mentor: Melanie Derby
Project Title: Reduction of Water Evaporation Rates in Porous Media







Richard Carmona
Seward County Community College
2017 RiPS Mentor: Dr. William Hsu, Computer Science
Project Title: Towards Procedural Information Extraction from Scientific Literature Visual Features for Machine Learning






Diana Najera
Seward County Community College
2017 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Maureen Gorman, Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics
Project Title: The Role of Endocytosis in Iron Uptake by Insect Cells







Erick Martinez-Rosales
Garden City Community College
2017 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Pavithra Prabhakar, Computer Science
Project Title: The uses of AADL (Analysis, Architecture, and Design Language)






Carmen Del Real
Dodge City Community College
2017 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Jocelyn McDonal, Biology
Project Title: Protein Phosphate in Collective Cell Migration







Juan Hernandez
Kansas State University
2017 RiPS Mentor: Dr. James T. Laverty
Project Title: Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Learning in University Physics Textbooks Assessments Using Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol






Vanessa Hernandez
Dodge City Community College
2017 RiPS Mentor: Dr. Anna Zinovyeva, Biology
Project Title: Using CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing to Study MicroRNA Strand Selection