Manuel Aguero
Seward County Community College
2019 RiPS Mentor: James H. Edgar, Chemical Engineering
Project Title: Exfoliating Hexagonal Boron Nitride Crystals by Etching
Gonzalo Alcantar
Kansas State University
2019 RiPS Mentor: Matthew Kirk, Geology
Project Title: Variation in contribution of groundwater discharge to streams across the Kansas precipitation gradient
Camille Bradshaw
Dodge City Community College
2019 RiPS Mentor: Matthew Kirk, Geology
Project Title: Impact of iron mineral on pH limits of iron reduction by Geobacter metallireducens
Carlos Espino-Mendez
Garden City Community College
2019 RiPS Mentor: Melanie Derby, Mechanical Engineering
Project Title: Visualization of Wicking of Single-Layer 3D-Printed Porous Structures
Elijah Gardner
Kansas State University
2019 RiPS Mentors: Jocelyn McDonald and Luke Messer, Biology
Project Title: RNAi screen identifies genes involved in collective cell migration
Ryan Harlan
Dodge City Community College
2019 RiPS Mentor: Suprem Das, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Project Title: Composite Graphene Materials for Manufacturing Transparent Conducting Films
Ana Herrera
Seward County Community College
2019 RiPS Mentor: Heather Bailey and Barbara Pitts, Psychology
Project Title: The Effects of PTSD on Memory and Recall of Daily Mundane Activities
Maria Herrera
Seward County Community College
2019 RiPS Mentor: Trisha Moore, Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Project Title: Effects of Watershed Land Use on Stream Bank Erosion Rates
Jacquelyn Martinez
Dodge City Community College
2019 RiPS Mentor: Walter Dodds, Biology
Project Title: Effects of Flooding on the Nutrient Concentrations of Prairie Streams
Natalie Melendez-Velador
Seward County Community College
2019 RiPS Mentor: Thomas G. Platt, Biology
Project Title: Interference Competition Among Biovar 1 Agrobacteria from Helianthus annuus
Miguel Perez
Seward County Community College
2019 RiPS Mentor: Landon Marston, Civil Engineering
Project Title: Mapping and Modeling Interbasin Water Transfers within the United States
Marissa Shivers
Kansas State University
2019 RiPS Mentor: William H. Hsu, Computer Science
Project Title: Machine Learning for Automatic Detection of Cyber Threat Events in the Twitter Stream
Daniel Ulichnie
Dodge City Community College
2019 RiPS Mentor: David E. Thompson, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Project Title: Face Spelling as Opposed to Flashing can Improve the P300 Speller