Meade County Extension Blog

Fall Cleanup for Gardens: 5 Steps to Success

Now that our gardens are done producing for the year, now is a great time to clean up your garden while the weather is still pleasant.   “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” by Ben Franklin really hold true to caring for your garden now, to have success next year.

First, remove the dead plant material.   Removing dead plant material can help eliminate diseases, weeds and insect that could overwinter and become a problem next year.  It’s best just throw is all away.  Some experienced gardeners might want to select some for their compost piles.  But remember, some diseases can survive composting, so be wise if adding this to your garden.

Second, begin preparing the soil.  Taking the time to till your garden this fall.  Tilling can help with compaction and will give you a head start next spring.  This is also a great time to get a soil test.  Soil tests can show what nutrients your soil needs and also tell if any organic matter is needed.  The fall and winter is a great time to add in any organic matter, and will work their way in during the dormant months.

Third, winterize irrigation methods.  Drain and store garden hoses or irrigation systems inside away from the suns harmful rays.

Fourth, clean up garden tools. Metal surfaces should be free of soil.  Tools that cut should also be sharpened.

Finally, PLAN AHEAD! Winter is a great time to research new varieties of plants and start making plans for next year.  Did you have any major issues that could have been prevented?  Which worked, which didn’t?  Was it a major disappointment or worth trying again?  Remember winter is only 90 days!


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