Meade County Extension Blog

Tag: Wheat

KSU Virtual Wheat Field Day – Review

Group of Farmers

2020 Wheat Harvest is over for some, in full force for others, and just getting started some.  Now is the time to think and consider options for the 2021 wheat crop.  To help guide growers on their decisions on May 27 and 28, K-State offered its first Virtual Wheat Field Day on YouTube.  It has been a handful of years since Meade County Extension has hosted a Wheat Plot Tour, but this virtual day gives growers the opportunity to get information on crop advances and challenges while keep producers safe from COVID-19.

Normally plot tours include discussion of the wheat varieties planted at the location, including new and upcoming as well as established ones, as disease pressure from the year. A great reference for wheat producers is the Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Rating 2019.  2020’s version should be published August, after this year’s data is collected.

Because time is precious to all of us – here is a break down along with time stamps if you would rather cut to the chase.

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