Meadowlark Extension District Agronomy Blog

Conducting a Prescribed Burn – Are You Planning for Success?

Tis the season for prescribed burns – but there are a lot of questions we should probably be asking first!

  • Is weather right? Do we have enough wind to carry a fire, but not so much its dangerous? Optimum conditions usually occur when wind speeds are between 5 and 15 miles per hour with relative humidities in the 50-60% range and temperatures from 50 – 80. What does YOUR fire weather look like? Check conditions at .

Here’s an example of the conditions for Friday afternoon, February 23, 2024:

  • What kind of a stand are we dealing with? Is there enough fuel to carry a fire and can we manage heavy fuel loads? What is our purpose for burning? Cool season grasses don’t respond as well as native prairie grasses do and typically shouldn’t be burned as frequently. An understanding of how the undesirable and desirable plant community may respond is important to determining necessity.
  • Is equipment ready? Conditions change rapidly during spring burns. Make sure equipment can provide the water flow needed to put out a fire (some ATV sprayers may not) – and you have people to man said equipment. Back burns should be in place and a burn boss appointed in advance.
  • Check with local authorities. Burn permit requirements vary and many fire departments are manned by volunteers, potentially limiting response ability on busy burn days. Plan ahead to make sure burns are allowed, then follow a plan to make sure they can be conducted safely.

Prescribed fire can be a valuable tool when used effectively. Make sure you have a plan to do so. A little forethought can make a big difference in both the effectiveness AND the safety of your spring burn.

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