Meadowlark Extension District Agronomy Blog

Fall Armyworm – Keep Scouting!

This picture was taken this morning (09/13) of Fall Armyworm adults collected from a pheremone trap in EC JA Co. over the past 9 days:

It’s a good reminder to keep scouting. Brome has been a constant target, but monitor alfalfa and newly seeded cover crops as well. Young wheat/rye/brassicas/etc… all make great feeding for Fall Armyworm larvae and should be closely watched, particularly if growing conditions are slowed by dry weather.

Newly harvested alfalfa could be a potential feeding site as well. Because alfalfa typically has a more established root system it, it can handle some feeding, but vigilance is still encouraged. The last 4-6 weeks prior to a killing frost is important for alfalfa recovery going into dormancy (see the September 5th KSU Agronomy eUpdate article on end of season management here.). The chart below lists Fall Armyworm insecticides for alfalfa (full document here):


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