Midway Extension District, Livestock

Kansas Hay Market Report, June 15

On Monday, June 15th the High Plains Journal reported the following,

” Kansas hay trade was slow. Demand moderate to good for dairy alfalfa, light for grinding alfalfa and alfalfa pellets and grass ha, according to the Kansas Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, June 9. Prices given on a per-ton basis, unless otherwise noted.”

North Central/Northeast

Dairy alfalfa and grinding alfalfa steady, prairie hay and brome steady. Movement slow. Horse alfalfa, $300, some $8-$9/small squares; supreme dairy, $185-$220, a little new crop, $1.10/point RFV; premium, $170-$195; fair/good stock cow, $1/point RFV, Utility/fair grinding alfalfa, edge of the field, $70-$95; ground and delivered, $130-$145. Good bluestem grass hay, small squares, $5-$6/bale, $120-$135, medium squares, $80-$100, large rounds, $45-$70, mostly $50-$60. Brome, good, small squares, $6-$7/bale, $130-$145/ton, medium squares, $100-$120, large rounds, $25-$50/bale, $60-$80/ton. CWF Grass mulch, large rounds $60-$65. Straw, good small squares $4 or $4.50-$5/bale delivered, large bales $60-$70/ton. Good sudan, large rounds, $70-$75; fair, $60-$65.

 For additional information visit the High Plains Journal Hay Market Report:


Source: Kansas Department of Agriculture-USDA Market News Service, Dodge City, Kansas.

Update: poultry shows in the Midway District cancelled

On June 9th, 2015 the Kansas Department of Agriculture issued an official stop movement order prohibiting the commingling of poultry and live birds at events held in Kansas, due to contagious pathogenic Avian Influenza.  This essentially means that all poultry shows, including the 4-H projects at local and the Kansas State Fair, are cancelled.

Please note that exhibition at the county fair is not required for project completion.  Since the ultimate goal of any 4-H project is the development and education of the 4-H member, alternative educational poultry project activities to display at the fair are encouraged. For example, 4-H poultry members could create educational posters on poultry breeds, health or management. Possibly members could develop a video presentation for the fair to educate the public about poultry.

An email has been sent to all the 4-H families and this information has been posted to our midway.ksu.edu website under the In The News Section.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Extension Offices at 785-483-3157 or 785-472-4442.

Midway District: In The News:


Midway District Quarterly Newsletter, June

The Midway Extension District publishes a quarterly newsletter with information from each program area:

  • Agronomy & Horticultre
  • Family & Consumer Science
  • Livestock Production
  • 4-H Youth Development
  • Midway District Success Stories

You can receive a copy to your address by contacting the Extension office or view the link below!


Happy reading!